Full details - http://www.grandmasterchallenge.com/?p=401
Previous results - http://www.grandmasterchallenge.com/?p=339
Please join the facebook event if you are going! https://www.facebook.com/events/515706045203842/?source=1
Super Turbo Sunday is back again on the 8th of December at the Heart of Gaming in London for the fourth and final event before the year is out! This also marks the start of a new season, so it’s time to bring your A game and see if you can work your way into the next quarterly top 4 table.
We will be hosting a solo double elimination tournament and a free North VS South FT15 team tournament, all of which will be streamed by the HOG’s team.
We will also be holding the first UK play test of the UD CPS2 consolised motherboard as long as the US Postal Service don’t let us down, so bring a PS3 OR Xbox 360 stick!
Super Turbo Sunday is a monthly Super Street Fighter II Turbo tournament held on 4 head to head arcade cabinets at the Heart of Gaming in London, making this an event that players travel to from all over the UK! The Heart of Gaming is unique in that they offer a flat rate daily fee with all machines on freeplay.
Join the event and support Super Turbo!
Event Summary
Date: 8th December 2013, 12:00 – 22:00
**Location: ** The Heart of Gaming, 10A Cullen Way, North Acton, London, NW10 6JZ
**Venue Entry Fee: ** £5 to tournament players, £8 for non-tournament players
Main tournament – Solo Double Elimination
Start time: 14:00 (expected finish 17:00-18:00)
Tournament Fee: £5
Prize: Pot split, 60% 1st place, 30% 2nd place, 10% 3rd place
Format: Double elimination, best of 5 for all stages of the tournament with best of 7 for grand finals
Rules: JP Turbo 3 (same as US Turbo 2). 99 seconds, 2 rounds. Akuma banned. Players decide 1p/2p side on mutual agreement and where mutual agreement cannot be reached, rock paper scissors decides. Sides cannot be switched during a match. Winner of the last match sticks with the current character, loser is able to pick.
Side tournament – North VS South First to 15 Team Tournament
Start time: 18:00 (expected finish 19:00)
Tournament Fee: Free
Prize: Bragging rights only!
Format: Single elimination
Rules: JP Turbo 3 (same as US Turbo 2). 99 seconds, 2 rounds. Akuma banned. Players decide 1p/2p side on mutual agreement and where mutual agreement cannot be reached, rock paper scissors decides. Sides cannot be switched during a match.
Players must specify their characters/team beforehand and stick with them throughout the tournament. Duplicate characters are not allowed (“old” characters may be allowed as duplicates if a team is too big to allow players to use characters they are reasonably good with). Starting order of team mates may be changed. The team can cycle through their players in no particular order but a player can’t play again until the whole team has played a game. The winning team will be the first team to reach 15 wins.
Sign ups: On the day. Please aim to arrive for 13:30 to allow time to take payment and organise brackets!
**Venue Information: ** https://www.facebook.com/TheHeartOfGaming/info
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/thewonderpark
Please have the correct change for your entry fees as this saves a lot of time!
Hey guys, figured I’d post this here since ST events get ignored in the tournaments section, hope no one minds.