The ability to safe jump consistently is what separates the pros and the beginners.
Djfrijoles taught me to safe jump with shoto by watching for the second bounce after a srk. It is a great visual hint and help me safe jump successfully > 50% of the time with shoto (some characters allow greater margins of error like rog/guile vs shoto/sagat).
So I created this guide to illustrate how to safe jump with every character.
it will not make you a pro overnight, you still have to practice just like everything else (combos).
this is using frame advance and does not take into account your reaction time, playing online with input lag, etc. so put some extra buffer for your scenario
there might be wrong assumption in this tool. constructive criticism welcome.
Margin of errors when safe jumping various characters
SRK 4 frames
Jab/Strong SRK 2 frames
Fierce SRK cannot be safe jump
Fierce Headbutt - 5 frames
Buttdrop has a lot of invincibility so it might catch whatever normals you pressed after the safe jump.
RH up kick - 2 frames. Her up kick hitbox sucks so if you know your normals and distance it can be beat.
Balls hit on first frame but can be neutralized with the correct jumping normals
Lariat hits on 2nd frame, but the 1st frame has vulnerable hurtbox, so use a correct jumping normal as meaty and gief has to think twice before going for lariat
Flash Kick & Super - 5 frames, very beginner friendly for practicing your safe jump timing.
Reversal teleport - usually punishable
Sliding short or back jab - 3 frames start up, so if your safe jump timing is off by 3 frames it will beat you
Super - if you don’t jump with meaty attack and you’re 1 frame too late and sim can super you
SRK 4 frames. same as ryu but easier to cross up compared to shoto’s srk
Cannon Spike - 4 frames
Flame kick - 6 frames.
After the safe jump, the 2nd hitbox can catch you after you land. So be careful with the follow up. oshoto can safe jump + dp install. n shoto dp install will beat fk or trade
Dee Jay
RH up kick - 4 frames
MGU cross up - 4 frames
His up kick hits high, if you are close it’s much better to go for ground low meaty attack + option select.
Jab Buffalo Headbutt - 11 frames, easiest to safe jump but has a lot of invincibility. If you opt for throw after landing, rog can counter throw.
Super - 5 frame
Flip Kick - 5 frames
Tiger Uppercut - 3 frames. Sagat wakes up really fast. Eating a reversal dp from o sagat hurts. Be careful.
If your safe jump timing is really off, he can do an immediate jumping strong, or crouching jab/strong/forward.
Super - 5 frames?