Super Turbo Revival in ... TORONTO ...?


Wednesdays are no longer good for me this semester as I have class from 7-10…

I also haven’t been able to check SRK lately as well anyone mind texting me when brett decides to have meetups? Either that or email…

saturday 15th

I think I might be ok then… I gotta help my brother move into his new house one of the coming saturdays… let’s just hope it falls on the 22nd rather than the 15th

I’m cool for the 15th.

I’m down. Might not be able to show up on the 15th until 5pm, maybe 6? I’ll keep you posted.

Saturday the 15th is still a go.


Do you guys wanna eat lunch before we start like last time?

This way I know beforehand and don’t eat at the wrong time.

at your place right brett? I’ll be coming… I’m not sure when, but I’ll be coming… hopefully I won’t get lost.

Should I bring TDC final v2 for DC ST? I’ll bring two sticks… and the disk… you have a DC right?

Yes but i prefer Kevin’s XBOX setup.

Okay so when do we get this thing started? I can show up anytime after 2pm.

If people want to grab a bite beforehand I’m down for that too.

I’ll be getting dropped off today so we’ll need somebody else to wheel us around.

I’ll be there at around 3-4ish.

It can’t hurt to have an extra setup though… can it?

Brett just let me know that he is currently without electricity.

I’ll keep you posted if his power returns to normal.

how long has it been out? hopefully they’re just working on a transformer or something and it’ll be back in 30 mins…

Apparently it went off at around 9 last night and stayed out till around 12am. This was long after the rainfall in the afternoon so…

Now they might just be correcting something. Iono.


Brett has now been without power for 6+ hours. He’s leaving the house due to boredom and is calling this casual off till tomorrow.

oh =( … i JUST texted him too… alright… don’t know if i can make it tomorrow though…

Oh did he, what did he say?

he didn’t reply… I just texted him… lol

insta-edit:oh wait, he did reply., i just forgot what he said… cuz it was basically what you said… oh… I recall he said he’d call everyone tomorrow

Good news! I just found a place online selling arcade power supplies for cheap!.. I just gotta double check that it won’t kill my game board (if it isn’t dead already) before buying it. With any luck I’ll have my supergun up and running again by January! In which case, I’ll make another ST in Toronto 2013 thread and be more diligent in updating dates for meetups @ A&C and the brettcave…

Now the thing to consider if my board ends up working with the new power supply is: Whether I want to risk changing the suicide battery within the next year, or not… =/