Super Turbo Revival in ... TORONTO ...?

Possible job opportunity so I definitely won’t be there.

Shitty timing for sf this month.

Yea no kidding Josh. Since I haven’t heard a word from the other ST heads I’m assuming that ST is not happening tomorrow.

I finally went through the rest of the video posted last time. Here are the timestamps for the 2nd half

2:11:45 Unessential vs Os
2:39:00 Unessential vs Brett
2:59:00 Brett vs OS
3:26:29 Brett vs JED

Man, mad zero that guy… Kept saying he wouldn’t play me on ggpo up til after showed up in mtl afterheheard I was going… And ends up not showing up. The place they meetup was surprisingly close to where I’m staying so ill probably end up going again on sunday. Man, finally an ST fix after 2 months…

He’s pretty good, I wouldn’t sleep on him.

I played against jimmybones on a cab with American parts running an xbox360… Song was busy with umvc3 tourney… Looking forward to playing against him too…

Man… Nobody I was planning to meet showed up yesterday… However some person DID point out thelo to me… Everyone said he doesn’t play anymore but I still ended up playing with him for about an hour. … =)

Interested sunday?

Sunday sounds good.

Saturday is a possible day as I have to go to A&C on Sunday.

Wait what and where?

yea i’d like to know when and where as well seeing it’s friday already.

I can do A&C on saturday…but not brett’s place unless I have a ride to and from. And I also have to be back @ Dufferin & King by 12:00. Sunday’s no good for me for sure all day =(

I have no internet at home and SRK doesn’t work on my phone so as of now, at least something will happen between Summer Jam and Seasons Beatings Ascension.

This Saturday at my house?

I’m down.

Hell yea. What time?

sup guys. is this happening today still? i’ll be in milton this afternoon and may be able to swing by afterwards.

call my cell before you leave your home; 905-598-3244

ggs last night.

Good to see you guys again.

Your all still sharp as ever.

Looking forward to the next meet.