We could probably set something up that wednesday. I’m free on mondays so if anyone else wants to come by that would be cool too. You’re going to be about 45 mins away from super arcade if your staying at UCLA.
Maybe over some games of ST you could drop knowledge on my ass and school me to the science of economics so that I could be a billionaire. In exchange, I will show you how to do easy 720s with T Hawk. We could go over all this with boba milk teas and Taco Nazo’s fish tacos.
Well in fairness, if I knew how to be a billionaire I wouldn’t be an economist… I’d be a billionaire! I can tell you the qualities that generally make up billionaires which is interesting. I would invite you to the lecture series but its a pretty dry lecture series that’s targeted at graduate students and faculty on mostly some of my public choice research, although one day I am going to shamelessly plug my new paper in the Journal of Sports Economics on the Economics of E-Sports.
The thought of boba milk tease and fish tacos somehow depresses me… Don’t you have steak, eggs, and old fashioned Coke in Southern California?
Also do you mean 45 minutes real people time or 45 minutes SoCal driving time? Because one is significantly longer than the other :). I think my hotel is like 1.5 miles away from UCLA’s campus or something like that.
no bullshit, im a little heated. i thought i lost my ego but at this point missing uppercuts still pisses me off bigtime. i actually just watched this match and man… getting jabs after blocking a jump jab instead of dp sucks. not getting clutch uppercuts sucks… not taking away anything from papercut, but fuck thawk. miss one dp and its game over usually. little shit like that is so fucking annoying. lol, also hate this new age shit of video recording tbh. gonna record every victory i get from here on out so hope everyone enjoys. pz.
and for the record, anything i say is out of frustration and only about the game. i love the current ST scene,the small ST family we have here, and glad you guys are keeping it strong. props to you all for making the effort to keep this great game alive and see you here again soon!
Not gonna lie bro, when I saw you miss the first uppercut, I was hella happy. To set the record straight, the first time I challenged Watson on the American sticks, I got blown up. About a min into our set I knew something was wrong and I was going to take full advantage. lol. We could run it back on the American cab next time. Thanks for playing me on the Japanese setup Wats. Hopefully we can get some more games soon. For the time being, it feels good up here.
I think it should be played on us cab. Dngrs is strong enough on us cabs to win a wnf against valle but after playing Watson on both jap and us setup, I can honestly say Watson is half the player he is when he’s on jap setup. They both agreed on jap setup this time so props to dngrs.
Yeah all my challenge matches will either be played on the american cab or with my Toodles brand round gate. Watson I need to let you try one you might like it
For those of you on facebook, please join up on the Socal Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo facebook page. Makes it easier for us to get into contact with each other.
Paper don’t sell your victory short. You are the champ now and if Watson wants to challenge again he should learn Jap sticks. A win is a win. Fuck this American sticks vs Jap sticks bullshit. I used to only play US sticks and when Jap sticks starting becoming the norm I spent a few weeks banging away at them until I was even better on Jap sticks. Learn to play on both of them for fucks sake. I watch players like J.Wong use American and Jap sticks equally and respect that completely. No disrespect to Old master Watts, but ST in 2012 is all about Jap sticks IMO.
youre right, a win is a win and i didnt sell him short at all bro. different games requires different sticks and obviously if you played a game for 15 years on a certain setup its not something you want or have to change. i play everything else on jap stick np fwiw. but ST requires really strict motions and timing for clutch last second uppercuts so even if you hit 9/10 you are still in danger of losing a round to thawk. i get the feeling you aint trying to diss so imma leave it at that. and ST2012 isnt all about jap sticks, its about what you wanna play on. hell, voltech swaps the gate everytime hes up lol.
I get what you’re saying. I will say this though, I have played SF from 1991 to 2006ish on Happ Sticks and when I first started using Sanwa in 2006 I hated it. Hell, I couldn’t DP for shit on Jap Sticks. I forced myself to practice with them for a couple weeks and something strange happened. I began to get moves out better/quicker and more precise. I guess I’m trying to say that a great player like you might benefit from grinding it out and learning Sanwa. Sure, why fix something that isn’t broken but I think you’d be surprised when the “light comes on” with jap sticks. To me Happ sticks are like giant Crayola markers compared to the fine calligraphy brush that is Sanwa/Seimitsu. LoL, I still feel silly telling Watts to switch sticks.
honestly, i played 3s on american and was forced play on console since it was at evo and adapted fine to that. i also played sf4 and sfxt on jap sticks with no issues. my issue is that the motion required for my characters in ST are not lenient at all and doing a last second uppercut is not easy if you arent used to the set up. hell, even with the set up the timing to dp hawks dives and stuff are tight. i also play casually and not looking to put in 2-4 hours a day like i did in the past. to play fb and dp characters in ST on anything but old school wico 360s just seems wrong to me