Super Turbo revival in Southern California at Super Arcade

i have seriously tried to ask for everyones feedback from day 1. from the feedback i received it seemed as though everyone was fine with the wicos… i really dont know what to say tbh. this is an arcade set up, there is no way its going to feel like the custom stick you play on at home and im sorry if i cant have like 8 ST cabs with interchangeable sticks and buttons so you can perform at 100%. not trying to be a dick, and obv im here for the community, but cmon? if theres something wrong speak up when i ask. dont have to apologize for speaking out specially when i want feedback. i dont know where this “majority” of players comes from cause the “majority” that i ask seems to be totally fine with everything. regardless, its impossible to keep everyone 100% happy and i definitely understand this. i mean hell, i put in a brand new h2h with brand new sticks, brand new buttons, brand new wiring and i still got like 2 complaints for 3s… go figure?

my goal is to have more players and have more happy players at that. the scene is small enough as it is and im not gonna be responsible for it dying again. you guys figure out whats up and lemme know what i can do. i have a plan to make another set up with jap sticks but for that to happen it cannot be on wednesdays thats for sure. but that would involve you guys putting in some effort to be down here and having a decent size tourney. im not completely against superguns, which i mentioned earlier, but as you all know, arcades have overhead and im not trying to rape the community, but we definitely need support if we want to continue being a place where everyone can come play and visit.

last note, dont feel bad or worry about speaking your mind guys. we need everyones help from the FGC players, arcade, everyone! but also please try not to use the words “standard” or “majority” when its really not the case. there is no longer a std for ST tourneys cause ST tourneys do not exist, and when they did, you were lucky to have sticks that even worked. and as for majority, im not trying to argue, but if 5 people out of 20 would prefer something, thats not really the majority… pz guys. awaiting your input.

For WNF, and the turnout we have, I feel the current setup is more than sufficient. I think the best solution would be to make a larger tournament on Saturdays or Sundays to see if we can achieve the same numbers. If we’re able to pull off a good consistent turnout (equal to or greater than WNF) on weekends, I think it will help in getting the ideal setup, or nearest to it. The main thing is that something like this goes both ways; we support the arcade, and the arcade supports our scene.

muffin, not trying to attack you at all, but would the ideal setup you’re talking about be a japanese cab? we gotta stop beating around the bush about it. would you like to play on an american setup, or a japanese setup? that’s pretty much what it comes down to. whether or not it’s financially feasible is a decision that mike has to eventually make, but for now i think it’s important that he gets a straight answer to that question from all the st players.

and i mean absolutely no disrespect to you, mike. the fact that you’re actively negotiating shows that st is important to you, and i respect and thank you for that very much. i should have been more specific when i said “the majority” of people. i meant the 7 or so guys i know whose level of play i’ve been familiar with for years; a level of play that just isn’t coming out on the current setup. yes, this is an assumption i’m making, but i don’t think it’s entirely baseless. i shouldn’t have used the term “the majority” so freely, though.

in regard to supporting the arcade: of course, definitely. it’s obviously not in the interest of the arcade to spend money on a setup that people won’t use. with that said, i’ll definitely be there for any event to add +1 to the st headcount.

i’m also down to pool together money for st parts if need be. like papercut said earlier, we have something special going on here and i want nothing more than to see it grow. super arcade is in such a great location; a lot of us live within 20-40 minutes from it. i have no doubt that we can pull in enough numbers for a saturday tournament as long as everyone who loves st makes a solid effort to come.

put me down for the japanese head to head as well. just like the 3s setup. I will play any arcade setup, but if i had a choice, i want the head to head. Thanks.

after signups are over come talk to me with any issues and suggestions and im up for helping you guys and working it out till all our customers are satisfied! :slight_smile: see you here guys.

Just wanted to show my respect to Mike Watson for all he has done for the ST community. This is truly great. I know I can’t benefit from it (since I live in Colombia) but it feels so good that an OG is helping the scene like this.

ps Mike, are you still playing ST or just running the place?

Put me down as someone who prefers the US setup, but regardless I will play on any setup. I am, however, with Christian as I would prefer to not play ST outside of a cabinet (jp or us setup).

Right now I feel like ST is getting decent numbers because of WNF. While I understand some people cannot make it during the week, I think trying to move it so soon will just kill any momentum the game is gaining. Right now the game is starting to pull in the younger guys who will put down $2 for fun and try their hand at the game, but they aren’t going to come out to a Saturday tourney and pay $10 to get mollywhopped. Add to this that we likely only get Valle, David and James to play b/c of WNF.

Right now the only thing I would like is a second setup to play on, jp or us (though I don’t know if that’s possible).

First off, thanks to everyone that came through last night, and thanks to Watson for being very open in helping us improve our little ST scene! Also, thanks to everyone who has voiced their opinion as it’s crucial when trying to make things better for our ST community.

Here are the full results from last night (20 Entrants):

1st Alex Valle (Ryu)
2nd James Chen (Ken/Cammy)
3rd UltraDavid (Dictator/Honda)
4th Fuson909 (Guile/Ryu)
5th SuperFX (Blanka)
5th eltrouble (Ryu)
7th Synco (Ryu/O.Sagat)
7th Matrixmatt (Chun)
9th MuffinMan (Ken/DeeJay)
9th Paro-Da (Claw/Ryu/Honda)
9th DaDaeDae (Gief)
9th BlockbusterJon (Ryu)
13th DNGR S PAPERCUT (N.Hawk/O.Ryu)
13th AndyOCR (DeeJay)
13th Moocus (N.Hawk/Ken)
13th Hugo101 (Balrog/Cammy)
17th Stacy (Chun)
17th LWK (Guile)
17th Crayons (O.Sagat/Fei)
17th MYK (Ryu/O.Sagat)

Videos are up of Top 7 from last week and Top 4 of this week, but they are using placeholder names at the moment. Check back here and at later tonight or tomorrow to see if they’ve been updated.

ggs as always jap or U.S. setup i like it all the same. i feel like i’m working a new muscle every time i’m on the cab lol. but yeah my only 2 suggestions would be moving the cab on weds to a less congested area (maybe around the tekken setups or something) and the other would be have a set of keys on hand to put it in either event mode or just put it in and out of test mode to restart it faster.

-----vids are up and labeled


another good turnout and thanks for the support people. there is no WNF this week due to thanksgiving weekend but we are running another ST tourney so come join us! already talked to a couple people and we will have 2 cabs set up and most likely 1 super gun set up so lets see how it goes. dont forget we are also open on other days besides weds so come play!

I mean I haven’t really been a part of the ST community for that long so I’m not sure how much weight my opinion holds regarding US vs. Japanese cabs but I know for a fact that I have a lot less trouble staying crouched and getting fireballs off then coming immediately back to crouched block position on the Wicos. I play a lot with my square gate at home on GGPO and my execution suffers greatly when I’m using it. I think it has to do with the strictness of the input. A quarter circle feels more natural on a circle gate. There’s little to no room for error. You do the motion as you’re explained to do it. I have no problems using the American cab.

(I am assuming by Japanese set up you guys mean balltop with a square gate. If I am incorrect please excuse my ignorance.)

I keep meaning to come out there, but still haven’t made it out yet. So, I know my opinion counts for close to nothing. I’ll be frank, it’s mostly the 1 hour drive each way + work being busy that’s kept me from coming. However, the US parts kinda clinch the deal for me. Sure, I grew up playing on Happ, but I converted to Sanwa when the 360 came out. That was like 5~6 years ago.

So anyway, my preference is Sanwa JLF > Supergun > Showcase US. But no matter what the parts, I’ll try to make it out there eventually :wink:

I don’t know if I can handle disappointment again JV :frowning:

On a side note, as Watson has already mentioned, I’m going to be talking to DGV about getting things set up for next Wednesday’s ST tournament. Essentially, we’re trying to gauge how much of a turnout we would have with WNF being a variable, and it will give us an idea of who may be interested in making an appearance at SCR.

SuperFX: I expect that we would only be doing casuals or a cheap $1 tournament for SuperGun Saturdays. It’s really just an idea for everyone to get regular practice before major ST tournaments. I may be wrong though.

Ah ok, totally cool. I was just making sure we don’t leave any potential players in the dust.

Did anybody mention this test trial ST tournament during WNF? I know not all of the players that we have go on the forums, so we definitely should put out the word at the next WNF.

so you guys coming down for a tourney this weds? there is no wnf so we have some room to try new stuff out. either way ill be here so hope we can get a good turnout.

you know…if this keeps up and we keep getting good numbers on ST (hopefully 3S as well), maybe we could have a US version of Gods Garden of X-Mania…HMMMMMMMMM…sure its a pipe dream, but I think it could happen

I’m just hoping that people are going to show up tomorrow night for ST. It’d be nice if we could get a few more dedicated players to show up to our tourneys, and not just because they’re already at WNF so they might as well join a $2 tourney for it.

Can’t make it this Wednesday, have to prepare for Thanksgiving and all. I’ll be out there sat if anyone wants to come by for casuals.

I can’t make it weds or sat unfortunately. Lack of a vehicle makes everything difficult -__-