Super Turbo Hd remix players?

Hey I was looking all over where are the STHD players for xbox360. I been looking around.

add me my xbl is xdreamerdigital

my aim is lightxdream to play. If I have to buy this game again i will be pretty sad :frowning:

Ill play you hit me up with a message on xbl.

my friend list is full.


Is anyone still playing this? If you are hit me up on xbl, my gamertagā€™s to the left.

iā€™ve started playing this more recently

gt: stanley decker

classic or remix mode, doesnā€™t matter

Hey everyone. I am having an HD Remix Online tournament on 10/20/09 at 10 PM eastern. The info is in the tournament and events section so check it out and lets have some fun.

The event will be streamed live.

My gamer tagā€™s boogiepop_ngfl
I canā€™t say Iā€™m very good but if you feel like an easy win, Iā€™m all yours. :slight_smile:

same here. Still longing for old times. lol

I try to ā€œdrop the fei long scienceā€ now and then. Always looking for good players/comp.


I play almost every day. Add me and we can have some good matches!

GT: Velazul

I down for some games just add me.

i think im gonna buy this instead of third strikeā€¦ i like the sf4 formula soooā€¦