Super Turbo Casuals @ Evo

I would like to play any of the NW crew at super turbo. ive heard many great things about your scene, and i am envious. when i heard you had a 32 man bracket at PNW majors, i nut my pants. = 0

I’m down.


I’m also down

I wonder how long it’ll be before Airthrow comes in here and wants a money match though lol

I’m pretty sure that I was in that bracket.

Which means it was, like… 32 and a half men.

I’ll be down to show you my low level Seattle play LOL!

sweet, any of you guys coming in wednesday or thursday? im only entering super turbo, so ill be down to play anytime before or during evo except during the tourney of course. ill pm you guys my number so we can text. and if you guys want to pm me your number as well that would be great.:shy:

Paul Lee in effect suns!!

I’m trying to get as much casuals in ST friday as possible, it’s also my only game I’m entering.