I’ll offer to add incredibly thought-provoking Honda strategies and commentaries. However, as deep as it is to tell somebody mash buttons and hold down back, I feel my experience is wasted in the confines of doing exactly that, and not helping new players.
It’s good to have you back doing something for ST instead of making threads about finding fuck buddies
on SRK <_<
Hey man, don’t hate, I’ll find my SRK fuckbuddy.
Miz I got yo back. I got skype and if you want we can even meet up and do this stuff, I’m only across the Dumbarton. Also I’m moving to the east bay in a few months (june-july) so it’ll be even easier.
I’m on skype now
I’m interested in seeing this.
I want Frijoles to commentate. that shit would be legit.
I’ll watch pretty much anything ST, this sounds interesting.
I’d watch an ST analysis stream. Like the others said, it would be awesome for you to have character loyalists discuss strategies and matchups at a technical level beyond the basic stuff that most people know. Also, try and keep it organized, so have a working outline of topics you want to discuss, so you keep your stream entertaining but informative. Otherwise, it’s far too easy to start rambling, or get off track, and you might possibly end up losing part of your audience.
Yeah, I’m going to have in the format of where I’m kind of a mediator and initiator of questions, when I have a character specialist on, and then we can evaluate matches of themselves, or other players playing the character. Other times I’m going to promote ST events, and other things. I will try and make this show as exciting and informative as possible!
I like how you’re taking submissions rather than just picking your best games and showboating how gdlk you are. cough ST saturdays
Come on now, I learned a ton from ST Saturdays. Because really, who would want to watch Damdai talk for 20 minutes on BlazBlue?
That pretty much sums up ST Saturdays. However, it was a good start to having a show about ST, even if it did tend to drag on a bit from time to time. Again, having an organized outline of how each episode should run, is the key to making this a great show. ST Saturday thing just felt like 2 guys talking about 20 minutes about stuff with some really interesting and valuable information sprinkled in.
I’ll offer my exciting and potentially informative commentary.
Alright, I haven’t forgotten, school and other things have been kicking my ass lately, but next week is when I’m done with this semester. Expect content soon.
lol fuck u mizuki u dont no shit about ST IDIOT
If there is any hawk videos, I would like to do commentary to explain whats going on…
if I could do it with frijoles and both of us use cholo voices. Moocus can play too, since he is probably more knowledgeable then I.
Orale vatos, its time for some ST talk ese!
i like talking about my hawk
Yeah, I don’t know why, but for some reason moocus knows what to do with my hawk better then I do. It’s always a pain in the ass fighting my hawk against his hawk. Fighting hawks is so hard. If you don’t stay on your toes, you end up taking a really hard pounding from that hawk.
ps. my hawk my hawk my hawk my hawk hawk hawk.
i also like watching other people play with their hawks. me and mike know a lot about playing with hawk.
I think Papercut and moocus are advertising to be your SRK fuckbuddy, Mizuki.
In other news, I think a great match for discussion would be the recent Kurahashi vs Sasori Ryu mirror that everyone is talking about. It’s pretty damn good, right up to the final hit.