Super Street Fighter IV Tournament Fightstick S Modding?

I just recently bought the the new Super Street Fighter IV Fightstick for the X-box 360, I do own a SFIV Fighstick however I never really or planned to mod that one.

I was wondering if anyone has modded their Super Street Fighter IV Stick? Like the artwork etc? Or is it too early? Like I’m looking for a template for it so I could work on it in Photoshop.

I would like to mod this stick in the future.

All though I want to Fix/Edit the buttons because apparently the own that was sent to me had the start button the back button… and the back button is the start button… I really don’t want to send it back because SSFIV is coming this Tuesday, it’s kind of annoying that way but it’s not major but I would like to fix it as soon as possible.

Same as a regular Tournament Edition.

Problem is that I never screwed open the first stick I owned. Is their a tutorial on how to open and mod the first one?

get the proper sized alen key and take the top screws out, and open it up! easy as pie. btw, its better to post in an existing thread than to make a new one. esp if the topic has been discussed.

Oh I apologize for that, thanks for the help going to unscrew the top now.

Is there a topic where I can tell you guys if I have any problems? Or should I just tell you here?

Oh I apologize for that, thanks for the help going to unscrew the top now.

Is there a topic where I can tell you guys if I have any problems? Or should I just tell you here?