Super Street Fighter II Turbo UK Tournament 1994 - London

Spotted this fun look back to yesteryear on a fellow arcade collector’s blog:


Any more stuff about this? The old ST scenes outside of USA are mostly engulfed in shadows by now.

I just asked the blog author for more info and here’s his reply:

Maybe we should all hit up the wayback machine for old ST tourney info before it drops off the map!

Wow that’s so sick

I remember it… That guy who won was a DJ Player. 200+ wins in a row.
Fei / DJ / Sagat / Akuma were the main winners. I entered that competition.

Thanks for those pics they bring back memories.

I remember shortly after there was also a bigger tournament in Earls court done by the same people.
Pity there arent any pics of that one.

I think an O.Sagat player won that and ironically one of the prizes was the arcade game
but the person who won it was the son of the arcade owner in (Las Vegas arcade, Soho) I think.

Pull up some data from the Dynamic League archive:

2002 Season Results:

A few Ryza vids (scroll down. wmv format):
