Super Street Fighter II Turbo, in the house

Boxer would be a good choice… your dad will have to learn how to charge down-back and use that charge at will, though. Boxer doesn’t really have a huge problem with fireballs unless he is full screen.

X-Mania 10 is going to be streamed live. August 23rd. Noon in Japan so late night Saturday US.

word :woot:

Thanks for the link man!





Cannot wait…

Someone has to capture the stream!

wow, too sick.

Anyone reading this at this odd time of day?

There is going to be a pre-x-mania east-west showdown at mikado in a couple (2) hours. Check ze blog - I think I’ll just put the streaming player right on there.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
You are the man.

Ok seems like it’s working

Oh snap I think SRK’s own Brian is on the kanto team! Let’s go bruddah! Sonic booooom!

Any clue who was playing the O.Sagat?

Don’t know.

Brian played well against Gotoh. A single game of ST happens so damn fast…


I didn’t catch the exact thing but Mattsun said something like “ST isn’t about characters or players it’s about Shogatsu. ST is Nagata.”

I was happy to find out afterwards that that Ryu player was Gotoh and not just some random dude :). My girlfriend told them my location was Chiba where my hotel is instead of Boston which was unfortunate. I dont have a team for tomorrow yet, but I was told that they’ll find one for me. Its pretty funny, I had no idea X-Mania was this weekend until yesterday when I went to Mikado’s website to find out the location. I easily could have missed it.

ARG at some point said that atm there are “only” 18 teams signed up so far for the main tournament tomorrow… Nohoho how many teams are there usually?

There were alot of big name players missing tonight; no umehara, muteki, toutanki or K, Gian, Tsuji, Otochun or Aniken, etc… Hopefully tomorrow theyll show up.

btw theres literally 15 or more ST cabinets here at Mikado.

I was startled at how tough Gotoh and Kurahashi were playing like I forgot what that top Ryu action looks like. Kinda weird.

Your girlfriend had the right idea it was ‘location’ vis a vis whether you went on east or west team.

The last few years xmania had around 40 teams. Hopefully more people come out of the woodwork on sunday. Please hit us with a write-up when you get a chance after the event goes down. Good luck man!

Not sure exactly what’s happening on the stream right now, but it looks like casual play with the announcer intermittently calling out player names…ARG, YuuVega, MAO, Tamashima, Brian-san (!!!).

I updated this post with some teams:

Mattsun just said that Shiro retired as of the 5on5 last month wtf.

so many Blankas, I love it!

Is this guile master the first match or did I miss a bunch already? He took out Hawk and O Sagat and then lost to Sim.

  • Pete

I think that was the first actual team match, but someone might be able to give you a more certain answer.

Foosuke just sat down in the commentator’s chair, so you know shit just got serious.

Tamashima beats Gian (I think) in a close one