VF4, that’s great only that we don’t live in Japan. Majority people here don’t care about that.
jpj, I’ve been nodding my head to most of your recent posts :tup:
As ultra said, if we were really going to ban characters, theoretically we should ban characters based on the maximum potential of the character regardless of the execution barrier (which I disagree, execution barrier matters… if claw’s dive require guile super motion I think it’s great for people who can pull off perfect dives with that motion).
let’s say o sagat and chun are equally strong and are in broken tier. Here’s the thing that I have trouble with o sagat, he’s fucking boring to watch and gives ST such a bad rep everytime ogat is on stream!
tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger sweep tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger upper cut tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger st short x2 tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger
I had heated debate with Roybisel when I was joking that o gat should be banned in US. He said I was trolling and that if o gat should be banned, sim should be too, and refused to listen to what I have to say above.
And even then, Roybisel himself said o sagat is boring and he mainly uses him in tourney.
I was watching [media=vimeo]18430319[/media]
and here’s what daigo said about Japanese player (can’t remember exactly but it’s something like this)
he said that Japanese player play the game because they loved the game (though he said that more japanese players are playing because they want to be famous)
And in the same interview what mike watsons said about US player? US player plays to win. And that if you lose, doesn’t matter how good you play, you lose. And that you shouldn’t be friends with your competitors since then you’re soft and your chance of winning is lower.
Which I completely disagree. As I said before, I don’t even remember who are the winners of most tournament, but I DO remember outstanding play!
(same reason why Daigo will be forever more famous than Jeff or Tomo, just because we’ll never see much Tomo & Jeff footage but there are plenty of Daigo’s and people remember that)
Most Japanese don’t have the same mentality to treat their competition as enemy yet they are top tier in fighting games. You just gotta be focused when you’re playing in a tournament.
Here’re more random thoughts:
bhop told me that he were losing when he was using non top tier characters when he started. Once he switched to boxer he started to win more and more, and he loved winning, so he sticks to boxer. When I joked that he is a tier whore he said with a smile that he also play deejay 
czar fighter is a monster with boxer online. His reaction is extremely good. Mind game, spacing, combo he got them all down. I told him he has skills and he should pick up another character like feilong and he would kick ass.
His answer? Nah, fei long has a lot of bad match up, why waste time?
BTW I joked with him that when I play his boxer, it’s like playing a RPS game and he had two scissor and a rock and I have two paper and a scissor ^^
Willdestroya… where to start? I asked him why he trolled so much online. He said that he was victim before and I wasn’t around to see what people did to him when he started.
So what is will’s main now? He doesn’t have one. But here’re the characters that he used in tourney - claw, boxer, chun
Preparing for NEC, Roybisel was practicing online with a new character that he picked up. His new character? Dhalsim. And I shitted my pants when I saw that knowing that he’s already a beast with boxer and o sagat.
I’m not saying that playing to win is not good. It is a GREAT motivation for you to get better at this game. But compared to play the game because you ENJOYED it or LOVED it, its effect is way less powerful.
Why shirts still hasn’t showed up in tourney when ST arcade is back on the scene? Coz he has to practice for 6 months first. Why? Don’t you want to play because it’s fun?
Why STP wanted to back out of the tourney after he already paid for it? There is a chance that he wouldn’t place high?
Would watson show up even though he might not win it?
And finally, why of all og, kuroppi is one of the few that lurks online to play a match here and there when he gets a chance? He also entered SCR but he plays honda and there is very little chance he would win. So what is driving kuroppi to play?
I think there is a reason why mars is popular. He plays guile with a style.