Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix Bad Games Thread

Jude X 1977?? OMG This guy is a butthead and drops if the match doesn’t meet his “sense of honor”, what a dumbass.

Gotta agree here. Mikeidge is just a very competitive guy, but that is what leads to his consistent improvement. When you really care about your game, it hurts to lose.

Slaves R Tasty?? That guy is an a**hole. He was known as “Rambo” and mains Bison, right? What an idiot! He will talk a lot of shit, but really can’t back it up and will drop games.

Want some fun? Look up xoxoRambo on and you will see a player who recorded some of his BS. LOL!

Ran in to xI USE TURBOx (xOH MY GODx). Shit was ridiculous.

BGs to a whole bunch of people for dropping in ranked. And shit with Sir Fitan was hilarious. Tried to tick me twice, I counter threw both times and just tick throw him the rest of the round. drops after second round.

bgs to hdremixjunky for crying down his mic

The lil d-bag likes to demean top XBL players by saying he smashes them then when confronted by the player he supposedly “beat up on” he runs away. Turns out a number of the people he “smashes on” can’t even connect with him LOL! Anytime you want another whoopin’ let me know :bgrin:

"Your Sagat isn’t unbeatable…"

Then why haven’t you beaten him yet LOL! I don’t know 1 person who doesn’t know this guy as a crybaby’in, excuse makin’ chump.

"Afro has played waaay better Sagat’s than yours Lyghts 0ut he’s gonna smach you…"

I went on to win the match not once but twice before Afro spilt cause of Boosted’s belly achin’.

“You’re tick throwing, oh is that how you want to play. is that all you can do, turtle and tick throw…”

This was when I knee-bashed him with Ken a couple times. You need to learn how to take a loss lil boy :bgrin:

You took out Afro’s Rog Lights Out? That’s pretty impressive dude!

Today I had some punk with a Sonic avator accuse me of “Tap throwing.” I said, “I don’t follow you.” He says “That’s when you’re using ground throws constantly.” I said, “Is that what you call it? I call it strategy: when you use multiple throws againist a player whose blocks alot. It’s a good way to win a match.” He replies, “No, that’s called tap throwing.”

sfprodigy is such a rasict

if you beat him he will say

“you must be a black fucking monkey”


no he called me a fucking throwing nazi cunt for throwing him 3 times after his jab headbut while trying to get through my hadoken :wink:

i won some other games against him but that seemed to have pissed him off

Bad games to Baklakiller, dude was beating everyone in the room & kept talking shit. Telling everyone to go to Training mode, fuck that asshole!

Hahaha. I was in a room with BruceAskew and mailmanimp and he was actually bragging about his turbo. And we still creamed him. I’d probably get more mad if Madcatz/Hori didn’t put the fucking turbo on their sticks :sad:

Happenin’ Vanillzilla (your new nickname lol). Yeah he added me and invited me pretty random some like 4 months ago. Whenever I am on we usually get some games in. He’s a sav, I didn’t even know who he was at 1st until all the lil groupies started explaining and all this.

haha this is too funny…


Bad games to Stay Crispy for quitting when my friend beat his Zangay. :rofl:

Bad games to The H1TCHER who always cries when i knee bash coz it’s unfair! lol

Actually he tries to win, and when he doesn’t win (always…), he ragequits!!
He’s just an asshole!

I didn’t know mailmanpimp used turbo. Ah well, I still thrashed his Dee-Jay; he quit after one round.

Speaking of turbo users, BGs to all of you whom I have encountered these past couple days. It’s pretty damn obvious.

Well, I guess I’m not the only one you drop on, eh Stay Crispy?