Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix Bad Games Thread

It’s poor sportsmanship.

Even so…the guy has all the right to quit. If it was an arcade it would be like a guy walking away after the first round. In a player room you still stay on for the next match. No harm no foul I say.

Its just a waste of time to play someone who is going to drop on you if they lose, even if it isn’t a ranked match.

Bad game to Slaves R Tasty. He sent me a racist voice message after I beat his Dictator with Ryu. He thought I was black because of my gamertag (I’m Chinese) so he spewed the n word like there was no tomorrow. I’ve had a couple of these racist bastards doing that shit and it’s unfortunate nothing can be done about it.

If by “dropped” you mean i left the room, ok.

That’s what happens when a room gets too laggy. you find one with a lower ping. Obviously.
Also i’ll leave a room if its best of five and i just don’t want to wait 20 minutes to get my next match.

The only time i’ll “drop” mid-match is if it’s unplayably laggy. what’s the point? Then i’ll send a message saying something like “you’re suppose to join matches with LOW ping. low=good, high=bad”

don’t mistake disconnect for dropping. disconnects DO happen. I got booted out of MANY rooms yesterday. XBL was fucked up all day

Dude must have been from Smith Barney. They’re a bunch of bitches. :wink:

bad games for sir fitan who couldn’t take his loss like a man and just try a rematch or walk away in honor

ive beaten him 1000x and he never did anything…

u sure u werent being a sensitive srker on the mic?

well dekor you need to catch that sir guy on a off day

he complains like a bitch just like you:bgrin:

Bad game today with BluePhoenixM. Played a match with his guile and during my final SPD to win the game… My 'Gief stops mid-slam and WHAM disconnect… So annoying when they do that >_<!!

Came here to post this. Saw him three times, he disconnected all three. Sent me an angry message after the first match, then the next two times didn’t even play the game, just sat there talking shit and disconnected in the third round. What an asshole.

Had a record of 20-0 when I saw him too, so you know he was doing that shit all night.

Also, bad games to BLQQDCQRE, who disconnected, talked shit, and then sent me a voice message saying he was going to get his friends list to report me. Judging by his voice, he’s about 10.

Yeah, that’s xxxRamboxxx or whatever his name is. He’s probably got a new account since I’m sure his old one was banned…

bgs to dekor, i beat him like 3-4 times straight and he just whines, complains, gripe, spams messages, etc etc

Bad games to my router for randomly losing connection the past few days. Thought it was just random Comcast or XBL crap at first, but realized it was my router after the disconnects got more frequent and I decided to try straight to the modem for a bit today… so if anyone here was dropped on by me, sorry, wasn’t intentional.

u make me literally sick to my stomach. u didnt even play me once freak… u ran away as soon as u saw my name. 22 yr old army cop LMAO, no fuckin surprise there dipshit

dude…really…why cant you just stop being a dick? you get respect on this board but you cant stop making enemies. at least TRY to get a grip on your anger problem. you’re gonna have a heart attack at a young age if you dont get it together. believe me…i get furious too when im losing…just take a few deep breaths(seriously) before you start spouting shit off on the mic. or turn it off at least and then say what you want.

HAHAHA, did he accuse you of spamming characters? I was raping with Honda so he said I was spamming him. Then I used Cammy and won, so I asked him if that meant I was spamming her too. So he sent me a msg saying “variety is the key.” Gee, thanks, Dr. Phil. I DC’d unintentionally before I was about to finish his Akuma with my Ken.

NappyNightmare is solid Sagat, but can be an a**hole
czarRU… yup, drops on me too

Agree with your post. Your Gief is always trouble for me. Love to fight with you.

ChampJackson is a solid Vega, but drops a lot.