Super Star Cup test stream tonight (main event on the 10/10)

Hi Guys,

One of the Japanese guys from GGPO contacted me today and asked me to make a post informing people of a SSF2X test stream tonight at 8:00PM Tokyo time (5 hours time from when I posted this message) at the following location:

This will also be the location of the stream for the actual Super Star Cup on Oct 10th (hence, the test tonight to gauge how many users they might expect to see)
He was a bit low on details at the moment but I can keep this post updated as he keeps me updated.

Please visit tonight and show your support - they specifically requested a strong foreign presence so lets show them that we love ST too :wgrin:

Some details on the Oct 10 tournament (in Japanese) are available at this website:

I’m in. What do I gotta do?

Unfortunately you missed the test stream last night.
It was basically MAO vs ARG casuals - was some good matches.
They were just mucking around to make sure it all worked.

The real tournament is coming up on the 10th and 11th of this month.

nohoho has mentioned it on his blog too:

He hasn’t mentioned the location of the stream however because it was unknown at the time - but it will be viewable here:

So what time and date (EST/PST) is the stream going to be on?

Sorry I’m in Australia so forgive me if I haven’t converted this properly but:

7:30PM in Tokyo =

EST: Same Day - 6:30AM (

PST: Same Day - 3:30AM (

This is gonna be hot. To bad my ass wont be able to watch it at all…

I’m excited! the time settings are correct. for us in US Pacific its on at 3:30am. Thanks for the heads up, I’m going to set my alarm clock just so I can watch this. Wish I could have participated in the test.

I look forward to getting up at 8:00 on that Saturday to watch this.

Thanks for the info!!!