Super Soldier Formula?! MvC3 Captain America frame data and damage ratings

Captain America’s frame/damage data - I will add some basic strategies over time to each move/hyper after we all get some gameplay in!

Ground Normals:


Standing L
Hits: 1
Damage: 45,000
Startup: 5
Active: 3
Recovery: 12
Advantage on hit: 0
Advantage if guarded: -2

Standing M
Hits: 1
Damage: 68,000
Startup: 10
Active: 2
Recovery: 20
Advantage on hit: -2
Advantage if guarded: -4

Command 2nd M
Hits: 1
Damage: 48,000
Startup: 9
Active: 4
Recovery: 19
Advantage on hit: -2
Advantage if guarded: -5

Standing H
Hits: 1
Damage: 80,000
Startup: 16
Active: 4
Recovery: 24
Advantage on hit: -4
Advantage if guarded: -6

Hits: 1
Damage: 90,000
Startup: 10
Active: 4
Recovery: 22
Advantage if guarded: -4
note Launcher

Crouching L
Hits: 1
Damage: 30,000
Startup: 4
Active: 3
Recovery: 15
Advantage on hit: -3
Advantage if guarded: -5
note Hits low

Crouching M
Hits: 1
Damage: 48,000
Startup: 9
Active: 4
Recovery: 19
Advantage on hit: -3
Advantage if guarded: -5
Crouching H**
Hits: 1
Damage: 75,000
Startup: 13
Active: 4
Recovery: 26
Advantage if guarded: -8
note Hits low

Airborne Normals:


Air L
Hits: 1
Damage: 50,000
Startup: 5
Active: 3
Recovery: 14
note Overhead

Air M
Hits: 1
Damage: 65,000
Startup: 9
Active: 4
Recovery: 20
note Overhead

Air H
Hits: 1
Damage: 70,000
Startup: 12
Active: 10
Recovery: 16
note Overhead

Air Up+H
Hits: 1
Damage: 73,000
Startup: 10
Active: 3
Recovery: 23
note Overhead, Kick aims upward

Air Down+H
Hits: 1
Damage: 70,000
Startup: 11
Active: 5
Recovery: 15
note Overhead, Kick aims downward
Air S**
Hits: 1
Damage: 85,000
Startup: 15
Active: 5
Recovery: 21
note Slams opponent to the ground



Type Alpha - Shield Slash M
Hits: 2
Damage: 95,000
Startup: 41
Recover (this assist): 131
Recover (other partner): 101
note This assist is easily Captain’s best. If it catches an airborn opponent you’ve just landed a free combo of choice as your current point character.

Type Beta - Stars & Stripes
Hits: 3
Damage: 108,300
Startup: 29
Active: 12
Recover (this assist): 145
Recover (other partner): 115
note the assist version of stars & stripes has NO INVULNERABILITY which makes this much less ideal
Type Gamma - Charging Star M**
Hits: 3
Damage: 108,300
Startup: 29
Active: 11
Recover (this assist): 138
Recover (other partner): 108
note the assist version of charging star has NO PROJECTILE INVULNERABILITY which makes this much less ideal

Special Moves:


Shield Slash L
Hits: 2
Damage: 95,000
Startup: 21
Recovery: 30

Shield Slash M
Hits: 2
Damage: 95,000
Startup: 17
Recovery: 34

Shield Slash H
Hits: 2
Damage: 95,000
Startup: 13
Recovery: 38

Air Shield Slash
Hits: 2
Damage: 95,000
Startup: 15
Recovery: Until grounded, 1 frame ground recovery

Stars & Stripes L
Hits: 1
Damage: 80,000
Startup: 5
Active: 5
Recovery: 44
Advantage on hit: -25
Advantage if guarded: -27
note Invincible from frame 1-4

Stars & Stripes M
Hits: 2
Damage: 104,500
Startup: 5
Active: 11
Recovery: 50
Advantage on hit: -32
Advantage if guarded: -39
note Invincible from frame 1-6

Stars & Stripes H
Hits: 3
Damage: 135,400
Startup: 5
Active: 12
Recovery: 57
Advantage on hit: -37
Advantage if guarded: -47
note Invincible from frame 1-9

Charging Star L
Hits: 1
Damage: 100,000
Startup: 5
Active: 9
Recovery: 30
Advantage if guarded: -17
note Nullifies all low and medium priority projectiles during frames 4-18

Charging Star M
Hits: 2
Damage: 133,000
Startup: 5
Active: 11
Recovery: 35
Advantage on hit: -12
Advantage if guarded: -22
note Nullifies all low and medium priority projectiles during frames 4-18

Charging Star H:
Hits: 3
Damage: 162,500
Startup: 5
Active: 13
Recovery: 43
Advantage if guarded: -17
note Nullifies all low and medium priority projectiles during frames 4-18

Backflip (aka Cartwheel)
Active: 34
note Can pass through opponents, fully vulnerable

Hyper Combos:


Hyper Stars & Stripes
Hits: 5
Damage: 290,800
X-Factor Lvl 1 Damage: 378,040
X-Factor Lvl 2 Damage: 465,280
X-Factor Lvl 3 Damage: 552,520
Startup: 12+0
Active: 11(7)12(7)13
Recovery: 38
Advantage on Hit: -2
Advantage if Guarded: -25
note Invincible from frames 1-24

Hyper Charging Star
Hits: 10
Damage: 274,100
X-Factor Lvl 1 Damage: 356,330
X-Factor Lvl 2 Damage: 438,560
X-Factor Lvl 3 Damage: 520,790
Startup: 5+2
Active: 11
Recovery: 45
Advantage if Guarded: -23
note Destroys projectiles/ignores beams from frames 1-23

Final Justice (Level 3 Hyper Combo)
Hits: 8
Damage: 440,000
X-Factor Lvl 1 Damage: 572,000
X-Factor Lvl 2 Damage: 704,000 (!)
X-Factor Lvl 3 Damage: 836,000 (!!!)
Startup: 22+2
Active: 16
Recovery: 18
Advantage if Guarded: -12
note Invincible from frames 16-36 (not a typo - this hyper is NOT invulnerable at the beginning of the move! Level 3 Hyper combos DO NOT SCALE mid combo.



Lvl 1
Speed: 105%
Damage: 130%

Lvl 2
Speed: 110%
Damage: 160%

Lvl 3
Speed: 115%
Damage: 190%


Reserved 2

Nice, this may just make me start Captain A officially

Thanks for the frame info gimpy. Am completely new to this 2dfighting game thing, but this gives me some stuff to work with. thanks again for doing the legwork.

I was directed here from the main thread, but I am not quite sure what these figures mean. Is there anywhere that goes into an explanation of this data, specifically, the significance of the negative advantage numbers? Man, playing video games is getting to be just like work!

frame advantage is when you can move vs when they can move - if it’s negative it means that they can move first. if they have a move that is fast enough to be lower than that number of frames then you are punishable by that character if you use that move and it doesn’t hit them

That’s what I thought, but I wasn’t sure. That explains advantage on block. Some moves also show advantage on hit. If you scored a hit how do you end up with a negative advantage?

low hitstun with massive recovery - if you don’t cancel it into something else - which you will.

so if you did a standing hard and didn’t do anything after you could theoretically be punished with chaotic flame.

not normally relevant because you’ll be continuing the combo into other moves.

Are you planning on posting the frame data for Thor and Stark? It would be greatly appreciated if you do, I’m really curious about thor’s mostly though.

i will update this later to be accurate to ultimate standards rather than vanilla