Super Smash Bros

Oh dear lawd.

Yea, as far as we know, you can’t wavedash in Brawl. E for All let us know a lot about the gameplay. This is information based on the demo though, so things can change. Airdodging isn’t the same. You can’t direction it anymore, so wavedashing isn’t possible.

They have figured out a way to “waveland”, but I don’t feel like explaining it. It’s different than it was in Melee anyway.

I’m not a fan of SSMB but I’ll probably buy it for competition purposes and so it doesn’t feel like my Wii was bought in vain. Go Pokemon Trainer I guess.

I’ll be looking to abuse the Pokemon Trainer.

im goin for the ash look alike and sonic all day.

Wow, man, you type slow :rofl:

And yes wavedashing has been removed from Brawl due to the new air-dodging system adapted into the game.

yo i just got this game n running though the tutorial now…ahh heres my wii code some one add me so i can see how this online thing works dam i jsut hope it works good casue iam seriously waiting for smash online . i got this to pass the time heh


In Brawl ill be useing Link,Poke trainer,n pikachu,N Pit

Oh my gawd, it’s almost here. Can you feel it?

what day does it come out again?

March 2nd :arazz:

Can anyone confirm if the Hori fighting stick is compatible with SMBB? I dunno, I just don’t really like playing fighting games with a controller.

I think the hori stick is compatible with anything that can use the classic controller, and Brawl can.

However, if you’re planning on play competitively I wouldn’t use it. I heard evo doesn’t want wireless controllers because of the whole problem of synching them with a million wiis all of the place.

I doubt MLG would allow it either. They’re strict as hell when it comes to controllers.

that makes sense though. but no the wii stick isnt compatiable with everything that says classic controller on it.

Why the hell would you play a Smash Bros. title with a Hori stick? Scratch that, have you ever PLAYED a Smash Bros. title before?

It doesn’t even work like that, home fry. It’s not a typical fighter, i.e. you’ll need to use a normal controller, and if you really plan on actually doing much, you’ll need a Gamecube controller.

Yeah, the cube controller is where it’s at.

I can’t see doing short hops, or shield grabs, or spot dodges, or half the other stuff in smash with a stick.

too bad nintendo stopped making gamecube controllers, what the hell are we supposed to do if it breaks? i refuse to use any of the 3 other ways to play, GC controller all day! Nintendo needs to produce some new controllers right now. shall we send e-mails?

Nintendo still sells Gamecube controllers, so no worries.���&translateTo=EEC&usrSearchText=&searchText=&selSrchType=&page=&view=&productId=64062&categoryId=44009&lastAction=ProductDisplay&orderTotal=null&tranId=0&jktranid=&rpComment=&dropOff=

only platinum color, i want the classic purple or the orange

I’m still using the black one that came with my cube.

The control stick is so loose from overuse that nobody else will play with it, but I’m used to it :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok. That’s fine. More controllers for those of us who don’t care what color controller we play on. :looney:

There are some really nice 1st party looking GC controllers without the Nintendo Gamecube logo in the middle (which means it’s 3rd party) on Ebay. If I can find out how good the quality is, I might pick some up.