Super Rock Box Presents - Tag Team Anthology

Ok folks

Best 3 out of 5 matches

its going to be a 3 on 3 Fight

you must submit a team name and i will be giving enough time for everyone to gather their team into 1 day for accomdation
also a captain is needed

Character Locked

Date : TBD
Time : TBD
Stream :

any questions feel free to reach out to me

enjoy your day folks :slight_smile:

sign me up

updated info

I don’t understand what the format is.

What does “2 mains 1 substitute” mean? You only declare 2 members of the team ahead of time, and then when the event happens you can choose anyone for your third? Or you declare 3 members ahead of time, and you can substitute any single person for one of them?

If it’s both 3v3 and 3/5, does that mean the individual player matchups go to one game, and you play to 3/5 of the full 3v3 sets? Or does it mean you play a single 3v3 where each individual player vs player happens as a 3/5?

Is it character-locked?

oh my bad good sorry for those errors but no it means like you can choose 3 people of your team im going to take out the 2 mains and 1 sub and just have a full 3 on 3 fight
and yes its a single 3 vs 3 which means if teama beats team b 2 out of 3 times they advance according to how much wins Team A got, and lastly yes its character lock