Super Arcade Cup ST Tournament at Socal Regionals Dec 17, 2011 1pm

DSP told me he had to win this, but he didnt!!! >:(

Where is afrocole ? :frowning:

The brackets link is dead. Great job Kuroppi and everyone who attended!

im pretty sure he lost to papercuts t.hawk

heres my review:
-tripple O.G. bob painter aka kuroppi was on fire yesterday, as well as my team HD REMIX cohorts papercut and digital infamy.
-muffin man was in the zone as well he 3-0’d me into losers early on.
-interestingly enough there was like 4 good blanka players and 3 good dee jays in the brackets. you dont see that often at least in the U.S. anyways…
-it was cool meeting the seasons beatings guys too. its too bad we couldnt run the team tourney i think everyone was tired LOL.
-i saw even more new faces than last year at Revelations.

but i really just came here to say thanks to DGV, kuroppi, zaspacer and anyone else who provided work, equipment, funds or anything for the tournament.
oh yeah shout outs to valle too for hooking up bonus prizes for the 3rd strike and ST winners. valle knows whats up.

see u guys next time.

Okay, let’s try this again. I don’t know why the link keeps getting broken:


Time for SHOUT OUTS:

  • Thanks to DGV (Ken & Tai), Zaspacer, MuffinMan, for their help in running the tournament and their commentary as well.

  • Thanks to Rufus and Ghaleon for providing commentary (and a lot of it!). Appreciate it guys!

  • Thanks to Paro-Da for bringing out equipment.

  • As always, thanks to CaliPower and Level|Up for putting on another awesome tournament.

  • Thanks to Madcatz for providing prizes for the finalists.

  • And big thanks to the UCI staff for being so helpful with transportation of our equipment. You guys were a lifesaver.

  • It was awesome to see so many new faces and even more, seeing good play from these new players. Keep it up guys! Wednesday night fights is paying off!

  • The last half of the tournament featured many, many incredible matches. The finals between Valle and AfroLegends was epic! I can’t wait to get these videos uploaded for everyone to enjoy.

Ahh. I just moved to Santa Monica and had to spend yesterday doing apartment stuff. Any ST casuals at SCR today?

Seriously great tournament this weekend!!! I really appreciate the work that DGV, kuroppi, zaspacer, Rufus, and Paro-Da put in yesterday; it wouldn’t have been great without you guys! There were some seriously good matches throughout the tournament, and I’m pretty sure this is the most fun I’ve had in an ST tournament.

Super big thanks to Watson for sponsorship, Alex Valle for the support at his awesome event, and Madcatz for providing prizes to the winners! And a special thanks to all of the WNF “Low Income” ST participants that showed up and played in this insane tournament (eltrouble, crayons, MillerTime, CountryCrock, MatrixMatt, James Chen, SuperFX, and Fuson909)

Good meeting you Nomrah, and great seeing you again Ghaleon! Props to DigitalInfamy for playing super clutch throughout the whole tournament and to Papercut for meeting most of our expectations with his O.Hawk.

Till’ next time!!!

Who to thank for the awesome stream that didnt ever happen?

Dude guys i had soo much fun this weekend it was awesome seeing everyone, Kurropi thanks for holding it down again!!!
Digital Infamy our match was epic man can’t wait until the video and i wont lose next better be ready!!!

Anyways hope we can get another one going soon i would like to keep my st game up to par because muffin man is putting in work right now!!!

You and I are destined to have close matches forever… in any game (except TMNT: Tournament Fighters :D). It was great seeing you, Pete, JV, and all of the RotB crew. Hope too see you guys again soon!

I had a great time! Thanks to everyone who put this together! It was great seeing everyone again. GGs to everyone I played :slight_smile:

Thanks for the shout outs, this was my favorite tournament so far. Sick matches and everyone was playing great. How the hell did I end up facing AfroCole as my first match and DGV in loosers as my first match WTF?! LOL!!!
Big ups to having 3 HDR Brethrens making top 8.
Caesar > great matches.
I enjoyed watching all of Kuroppi’s uphill battles, that guy was bringing it.
Synco was on his game and so was Papercut (aka Sako Jr.). MuffinMan > Much respect, great DeeJay.
Thanks to all you guys that made this happen.
Good seeing everyone…. See ya’ll at the next one.

Big Digital

Had a great time, competition was tough and glad to see good Dee Jay players.

Are the matches up yet?

Sorry for the delay. I’ve been trying to split them up into individual matches for viewer convenience and also to polish them up a bit but I am having technical issues so I’m now uploading the straight feed and so I’ll need to timestamp all the matches in the videos. Also had some issues with YouTube timing out. But the top 8 will be up tonight and if everything goes smooth, I should have most of the other matches up as well.

Top 5 (minus Papercut):!/sf2kuroppi/status/148898658232975360/photo/1/large

Sorry about leaving, I didn’t know you guys where taking pics. I went to go get In and Out cuz I was starving.

PS. GGs to everyone there. The tourny was a huge success. Thanks to everyone that helped run it.

Sorry I missed it. Don’t worry about splitting it kuroppi, I can take care of that.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the tournament and GGs to everyone I played! I had a blast and it was great seeing you all again!

Amir vs. DVG

It takes me a little time to process the videos. I’ll try to have them all up by the end of the year.

… is it possible to link to videos from the challonge bracket?