Sunday April 26 Fudruckers Revenge SF4/MVC2/TVC/SF3S/HDR/CVS2 Concord Console Tourney

Same. lol.

real winners don’t over sleep

Very fun games in hdr guys. Too bad I came too late for sf4 tho :sad: I hella wanted to enter that. This day was the first time I ever faced a top player in a tournament before :looney: You guys gotta run another one next month! :rock::hitit:

Fuck you!

I apologize to anyone i might have snapped at, and to anyone who’s name i screwed up repeatedly, and to anyone who i made a mistake Re: thier placement on the brackets. Mega Thanks to Anthony for co-piloting me thru that task, and many thanks to Nima and Ramin for being the faces in the field and to everyone who helped and donated time or resources and brought equipment and everyone who showed their support and who came out and fought. Obvious improvements were made, in future attempts, assuming they allow them even more improvements will occur. Printed brackets. 128 ppl for SF4. apologies for anyone who came after the deadline, i woulda kept us open till people stopped coming but unfortunately we only had brackets for 128. next run we will try 256, and of course more setups and we will possibly discuss which games, again. Too many hang ups keeping the Main tourney on stand by because of the lesser tourneys. All suggestions are welcome, all critique is most likely deserved. Nick, charles(?), A_Rival, and Hit and run, sorry bout the mess, hope i fixed it, i did my best. Also thanks again to all who showed the love.

128 people for sf4, that stuff was crazy. Good games to everyone I played especially Boy of Joy, that match was very nice.
Nice turnout and I will definitely try to make the next one, it was crazy fun. I signed up as Cameron just in case anyone wonders who I am.

GG to all that I played. Sorry I couldn’t stay for the whole event but next time I’ll be sure to step my game up and get my revenge.

Davis Crew it was cool to chill with you guys.

Andry I’ll see you next time man and maybe get you at CVS2. Haha.

Anyone else I talked to nice seeing you all again, I’m just too tired and lazy to do this right now but next month for sure.

Crizzle vs Ricky Ortiz in finals. Crizzle in winners.

Great turnout, great event. Was definitely fun playing casuals, I got peaced out immediately as the tournament started :frowning: GGs to my two opponents though (Michael (sorry can’t remember last name) and David Nguyen, gotta learn how to beat Rog and Blanka…

Thanks for running brackets Vittorio and Crackfiend, all the minor setbacks didn’t detract from the experience at all.


good games folks i played, sucks that i got peaced out by two balrogs. :arazz:

had fun hanging out and the casuals were cool at least.

[edit] p.s. sean w., sorry about what happened, i hope you find your stick :sad:

Turnout was crazy for my first tourney. The guys running the brackets we’re doing a great job handling the madness going on. GG’s to Robert O. (Guile - Damn, those casuals should have counted!) and Mike H. (Blanka - Least I got to leave early.)

I’d be happy to help with the dirty work for the next one. Hunting players, handling match-ups, and handing out the punishment. (Next time, the coin is the FINAL word when DQ’ing. FINAL. XD) Drop a PM if you need more hands!

Good games to everyone tonight, these bigass gatherings are too much fun. It’s a big test of endurance for every person there.

PS: Personally I like 2/3 rounds for Remix, even if it’s the shortest game to play.

Yeah Sean, I’m sorry you lost/got stolen your TE stick. If anyone stole it we’re gonna send a crew after you with nailbats cuz Sean W. is a hella good dude.

BTW who won SF4? I had to go.

Oh yea, and it was cool to meet PatMonsta since we play all the time on GGPO.

GGs to everyone I played (Joe Shepard, Wolfgang, AC Slater haha wtf, and Moses) 2nd tournament for me and again it was a good time. Big ups to Joe Shepard for letting me borrow his 360 TE stick for one of my matches and also to the other guys for letting me borrow theirs (AC Slater’s friends).

Super big ups to Vitto, Crackfiend, Nima, and everyone else that I can’t remember their names for running this shit it was a good time and you guys were working over time to keep it under control. Awesome job!!

It was hotter than a mother fucka in that place.

good meeting a bunch of you~ gg’s on HDR :wink:

Thanks for Organizing this event, I had a blast. Hope you have another one real soon. I do have a recommend that the host take a percentage of the money to cover for you overhead(gas, your entry into the tourney,food ).

SF4 is too serious, Fuddruckers is too serious, Nor Cal is too serious.

Some MAAAAAAD hype matches, why is gief so serious?

Why is serious so serious?

Lets see uh…shout outs:

-Fuddruckers, of course, for hosting and allowing us to stay there until completion
-The Redbull girls, even though they looked 14 :(!!!
-Vitto for his godlike announcing
-Nima for setting this up
-Ramin for SPD’ing anyone that went near the laptop
-The hypeness of SF4
-The combos of dat Marvel
-Fuck 3s

-and last, but not least, that damn sexy white guy w/ the shades announcing Mvc2/3s in Ramin’s absence.

Don’t sleep on Gief, OHHHHDDYEAAAAH!!!

Hey guys,

I just wanted to make a quick shoutout right now. I just drove back to San Jose and dropping off 3 of my guys. But the shoutout is for EVERYBODY who came out.

There is one thing I’d like for you all to keep in mind: Without you guys, there are no events. You guys coming out today means A LOT to me and the other fellow organizers, and I don’t know how else to express it other than that. Like we said before, this WILL be a monthly event until EVO. Anything that happens post-EVO we’ll discuss after that.

Obviously, this tournament has a couple things that need to be worked on. One of the things I’m planning to change: Have two separate 64-man brackets ran by two separate teams in order to increase efficiency.

Also guys, keep your eyes open on some future surprises. Because we had a full 128-man bracket with people still wanting to add (We would’ve reached somewhere towards the 150’s or 160’s), I know without a doubt that certain things can happen with other organizations to make this become an established and consistent event.

Once again, I just wanna say I have mad love for all you ladies and gents.

No homo, for reals. G’night everybody.


1st - pretty ricky
2nd - crizzle
3rd - pieguy