Sucker for the chicken combo, how do i MP?

Im loosing my game completley trying to MP and get on with the chicken combo, or even just MP at desperate situations xx SA2 or SA3

-Best tactics to bait for MP ? on wakeup ofcourse the usual case is the opponent is option parrying/throw , shotos mostly srk so i eat it all. Only thing i have here is backing up then forward or pressing forward then MP to parry whats comming my way.
I notice theres also an over head with jumping on opponent on wake up then d,f,K, then MP, but again shotos SRK

-Another problem im having is executing the juggle version of SA3, almost always the normal version comes out, i take it its just any 2 punch buttons?

Some tips:

A good opponent will expect the chicken combo… yes, this is your bread and butter… just like cr.FP for Urien or RH for Dudley etc. The only difference is that these two characters have an easier time landing these moves. Oro’s MP doesn’t have as far a reach as these two (or a cr.MK from one of the top tier characters)… plus half the time when you’re blocking, then parry a jump in and go for that sweet chicken combo, you don’t even get a launch; rather you get a fireball. Yeah, Oro sucks sometimes.

What you have to do is play around with your opponent. Oro does not need to rely on meaty attacks or tricks on the wakeup of an opponent… this is key. He has enough ways to trap, say, a shoto in the corner, when that shoto is waking up. MK beats out everything but an SRK at the right distance. Kara UOH is your best friend… and Oro has one of the best kara UOH’s in the game IMO (MK kara BTW in case you didn’t know). Then you’ve got 3 fireballs at different levels. If he tries to jump and gets hit with a MP or FP fireball he’s on the ground again in the corner and you have more options. Yeah he can parry it or dash forward… but Oro has to take some risks to get ahead.

Another option of course is his air chicken just before you land, which launches them and gives you a free tengu combo (if you can pull this stuff off consistantly… practice my friend!). It works a lot… and yeah, if you’re opponent SRK’s, then whatever, you got hit with an SRK. Now you know that he likes his SRK’s so you go in with a parry to MP launch to death. You can always throw too, but then YOU’RE in the corner… Jinrai has said countless times that Oro would be A LOT better if he had a forward throw, and I agree 100%.

RH is your BEST FRIEND. Instead of backing up and then doing a MP, which will not hit, throw out a RH instead. Great recovery, ridiculous stun; a few of these and the match is yours. Neutral jumping RH is great too.

EX SA3 is a matter of execution. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!

One final comment… every time you do a MP that you think they will block, don’t do a chicken combo. Instead do 2 QCF motions. If it hits, chances are you have super and just confirm, or practice landing the super on a relaunch (2 hit MP, 1 hit MP cancelled to super). Oro can be played very safely and effectively… just don’t screw up!

Hope that helps. I’ll check back here if you have any more questions.

Spectre thanks alot for taking your time to teach me the basics here, im new to oro , great learning curve here but i guess practice does make perfect, was a bit ignorant to kara UOHs as im a chun player and i dont think there was any use of using that with her [not sure if she ever has one]
Thanks again anyway, im gonna watch few more vids and definatley put your tips into practice !

No prob bud. Yeah I think Oro’s really the only character with a decent kara UOH. Good luck to ya! :tup:

Oro only has the second best kara UOH in the game.

Chun Li’s has about as much range and links to SA2. GGPO.

only problem is it doesnt link to much.

And to the OP, learn how to use oro without aiming to land mp, to get good with him you need to master his game outside of that move.

what about oro uoh to mp? ggpo as well!

hey, actually, I’ve been trying that one a lot (and close MK>command grab as well) but I really have a hard time connecting the UOH correctly…
3 times out of 4, I’m getting thrown, punched, kicked or whatever after my UHO eventhough it hit successfully.

Any tip on landing the UOH?

Oro can play a fantastic run-away game. If you can frustrate people into chasing you, it gets a lot easier to land B&Bs. Even Kuroda, who’s basically the king of patience, has gotten baited like that before.

I’m commenting here because it sort of fits in… sort of.

Getting the MP isn’t a big worry for me, but I do have problems with it. How do you guys do cl. MP (one hit) xx super?

I tried just doing it fast, but I didn’t get fast enough and it would hit twice.
Then I tried doing it like a fireball, but I get f+MP, which whiffs.

Is there some hidden technique that I should know about?

Yeah it’s called practice.

As for your second method, do qcf NEUTRAL mp then qcf pp

It’s either that, or QCF (go to neutral) mp QCFxxsuper

Edit: wow, I completely didn’t read all of the post before mine. Carry on.

Meh, I’m not “avoiding practice.” I just want to do it the right way and not have an unreliable method.


aznchristmas: you buffer the first QCF motion during the chicken animation, go to neutral, then do another QCF and super. It takes practice but it will eventually become second nature to you.

This doesnt work, largely because in your post you dont mention the mp input anywhere. With your suggestion, the opponent will just fall to the ground, AND you’ll do a super. Its much better to cancel a 1-hit close mp into super to keep them juggling.


Good tips guys. I wonder why they didn’t give Oro a forward throw. He’s the only one in the game that can only throw people behind him, right?

I think so, not sure about it though. Oro would jump up the tier list with a forward throw.

As for the super cancel, do QCF > Bring to Neutral > cl.MP > QCF > 2 punches.

Oh yeah obviously you do the MP… sorry I was in a hurry.