Stupid bazzlebot combos

Un= unblockable spittle,
ff = fast fly


Double unblockable
works on char coming in and in wake-up situation

UnXXff lk+cyc,fp, let opponent get hit by cyc and fall, UnXX fly combo or rpXXsuper dash in c.fp,ff lk+cyc,fp into another Unblockable

snap-out pattern in corner lk,lk+cycXXrp, unblockableXXsnap-out, opponent comes in, unblockable, FF lk+cyc,fp, unfly unblockableXX snapout or do somethin else

slap shitty characters over and over with that

after corner combo or opponent coming in and in corner

c.fp ff lk+cyc, you can add normals to that or keep it simple, sj combo, repeat

i’m trying to get this triple unblockable to work(no bar)

opponent coming in, in corner

UnXXff lk,+cyc,fp, unfly, Un ff up lk,rp, lp+cyc,fp, land unblockable again


unfly unblockable combo c.fp,ff up, lp or lk+magnus, unfly pan into whatever. tight timing.

wakeup Unblockable, ff lk+magnus, lp rp, lk, uprp

 I saw sanford do mid-screen unblockable then rocket, while making them land on magneto after, then follow up combo. not sure distance/timing for that combo yet.

opponent coming in

unblockable, ff lk+im, mk, 1 hit of im will hit, do whatever 

wakeup Unblockable, ff lk+im,rp, do whatever

wakeup Unblockable,+im rp is all u need really
ugly corner combo


i can't get this combo everytime but it's pretty ugly,,rp, tigerknee rp, im assist is just now finishing, then do 

c.lp,c.fp,rp(3!.. no meter)  super ghetto

sent/im lk,+im,lk,rp, s.fp, fly unfly into launch or super ect
~sometimes u gotta dash back to get s.fp to combo right, im assist combos are kinda hard to time perfect imo

Random ugly solo sent combo

opp in corner, tigerknee rp, asap lkXXfp rp, fk....

or tigerknee rp, asap lk, delay mk, sj combo

worthless but funny

sent/doom wake-up pattern in corner

unblockable, ff lk+doom, rp,lp,fp sj corner combo, repeat

i probably made some typos but fuck it, sentinel is freestyling:looney: :wgrin: :looney:

stupid options for unblockable into helpers, he doesn't even need bar to kill a team. retarded.

This forum is fucked nowadays

Anyone have a good sent/cable unblockable death combo?

i wonder if some variation on the sent/cyc set-up will pull 100%…

fuckin sentinel is a little batch, so he’s the fuckin bazzlebot, no other purpose than to be a broken beamin hookermachine

workin more with the unblockable made me realize how stupid it is…

c.hp xx RP xx HSF ^ ( fly f.lp) HP throw f.hp f.dpRP HP throw f.hp f.dpRP

(xxx) - do what you prefer as long as you end up in flight mode. sj.lp f.lp works, etc.

If you’re using Rowtron I’m fairly sure you can do this:

c.hp xx RP xx HSF sj uf (go behind opponent as they fall) sj.lp fly f.lp+Mag f.hp f.lpRP

If that’s not 100% then after f.lp+Mag do unfly sj.hp v c.hp xx RP xx HSF

Super jumping up so that you go behind them is kinda iffy, but I think you can sj up and do Hard Drive as a crossup (kinda like Mag’s HG xx Tempest after Cable hits into corner), land, HP throw c.lp c.hp xx RP xx HSF…

this crap is retarded, we’ve had some 300%(all yo powa) sequences occur recently:looney:

sentinel is fuckin overpowered

Edit: fixed doom unblockable combo, old one was typo

300% sequences? Please explain these.


depending on how ur storm kills off the first character, sentinels unblockable patterns don’t need meter so you can do it in a variety of ways. also considering that he sometimes needs to do guard breaks to set-up his unblockable series, it can be pretty difficult to time all of it, but it’s definetly a possibility that storm sent or even sent/storm can 300% a team if you use the right set-ups.

i had sentinel/storm/cyc and i ended up getting a perfect after pressuring the opponent into the corner and hitting a combo. unblockable+assist/ sj combo and then rinse wash repeat.

the future of marvel is storms ground infinite whored out so she can gb the next opponent and sentinel will kill the rest.

aight since only the good players seem to check the threads, i guess i can give away a special sentinel unblockable+reset combo.

in corner

c.hp(unblockable)+mag-A,xx rocketpunch, mag-A hits, c.hpxx rocketpunchxxhsf, dash up c.hp, FF lp, unfly, sj hp grab, lk, mk, sj…you dead.


I should have known. Now I have a thousand ideas flying through my head.

It’s kinda like my double unblockable setup with the Cyc assist and the HSF [Low fierce vs fall in + cyc, fly forwards, deactivate flight, low fierce [yes another unblockable], HSF…]. With alittle retooling, I can probably do this. With unfly mode this would actually be easy. One example of retooling might be to activate flight and attack the character with flight attacks into a cyc call or knockdown, back into another beam.

I like Sentinel. Unfortunately, he’s broken. To prove it, I’m gonna find out one of these on my own, get a good Sentinel [since I should have done so long ago] and abuse it till they ban him. Viscant was right about Sentinel

Quote from Viscant “Magneto is probably my least favorite character and it is my personal opinion that the game would be better if he, Storm, and Sentinel weren’t in it”

I can’t complain. I can fight him well enough on point that I’m not scared in most cases. Most players are too addicted to him to care if he’s broken or not, so no skin off my back when I’m 300%-ing players at will.

dawg, thats the reason why we need to get up! i wanna learn that wickedness…:lol:
you and jamar still play?

sent/mag (corner)

launch, sj, lk, lk, rp, hp, hk, un+mag, fly-unfly, launch, sj, lk, lk, rp, hp, hk, un+mag, fly-unfly, launch, etc., etc.

after launching, sj towards the corner so u can get in range for fly-unfly launch. if ure too far away launch will wiff.<–that sux.

do you have any sent/commando stuff? Tnx

Sent commando is so overpowered that anytime you land a hit with him in the corner that character is dead.


clk,mp, rocketXXhsf, launch+capcom, 1234, rp, fp, fk, unblockable+capcom rp and ya broken

if your opponent has alot of life, c.fp unblockable, fast fly lk,mk+capcom rocket and that will take them out.

you can also do c.fp unblockable, fast fly lk+cap, fp, rocket

easy combos

anymore sent/doom?

one my personal favs that i believe i made up?

anywhere with sentinel/commando

oppenent on the ground., mp, fly, lk, hk + capcom, unfly, sj, commando hits, dp rocket punch at the height of sj, the rp causes FS.

whole perpuse of the combo is to send the oppenent to the corner while causing mad damage, and keeping commando safe after the combo.

you can swith it up at the start and do it over head style by starting it, fly lk, hk, unfly, fly, lk, hk + capcom, etc.

you can set up an unblockable in the corner as well by doing sj. lk or hp, hk (depending on the space) while you are falling to otg them, then time the unblockable.


you can do double rp combos with him just like mag- A but with a little twist

launch, sj, lk fly, lk+ Doom, rp, lk, hp, rocks hit, rp.

i’ll post more stuff on sentinel/doom when i get home, i have some tricks with them that i need to test.

when i play sentinel/doom i put mag on point.

Mag-A/Sentinel-Y/Doom-B is interesting.

sent/doom (i got this from kai i think) FF -> lk + doom -> mk -> hp grab ->doom’s rocks hit -> then fly forward a bit (still in fly mode) lk -> mk -> dp rp.

yeah kai did that combo, but if you get a luanch off i wounldn’t recommend that one unless the you wanna reset the combo meter if it’s too high to get an real damage off a double rocket, so that when you fly over after the grab you do the regular double rocket punch combo, lk rp, lk, mk, rp.

oh and i would change the the grab set up to this, sj, lp mp, fly, lp mp, unfly, fly, call doom, grab.

or instead sj, lp, fly, call doom, then grab, in order for grab resets to really work you have to mix up the approach, reason why is that you oppenent will tech if they see you do the same on over and over. Agian i wouldn’t go for the reset unless you wanna reset the combo meter( which resets the damage, duh) or you wanna alot of damage and go for the kill.