
the one of the chick crying is unreal. very nice. the 3d devil guys with the 2 penisisses is cool (is that a penis coming out of his back? i just assumed)

Thanks for the look guys.
I started working a little more on my demo reel. Trying to get a style going. that couch is way too clean, I know ha. I’ll cook some more stuff up soon. I also want to implement some sort of depth of field…hmm.Thanks again.

I love your portraits :slight_smile: Very awesome!

Thanks Ponpoi :slight_smile:

Some more direction for my reel. This is going to be the promo poster for print. I had a lot of trouble choosing the right color scheme.I was color correcting all night…I don’t know.I think it looks creepy which is what I’m striving for.


You’ll make it!!!..

“Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.”

random from imagination.
Shot at 2007-08-07

So this is what the enigmatic Doctor Zaix does…I’m very impressed. I don’t have an eye for artistic detail, probably because of how simple and dim-witted I am, but even I can tell that you have some serious talent. S-tier work, my friend. Positively S-tier. :tup:

love your work, especially your choice in colors. keep it up

Thanks man :slight_smile:

Edit: I was gonna ask if that was Fiona but then I saw the IMG name. :tup:


Note: I think I messed up editing the image tag…:wonder: