Strong female team?

I really like female characters and I want to start an all female team. In your opinion, which 3 characters make up the strongest female team?


You can never go wrong with King. She is very strong and also quite beginner friendly. If you want an easymode team you can play Kula/Athena/King, these three are IMO the easiest female characters to play, so you will probably have the most success with this team.

Another possibility is to swap out one of those 3 with Yuri, she is also quite easy and effective to play.

Then you have Mature and Mai, who are a little harder to play but are not that good. Atleast I am not scared when I play against them.

And of course, there are also Elizabeth, Leona and Vice, but they are very tough to play.

King, Kula, Leona.
Learn Leona!

If only Momoko was in XIII.

King, Elisabeth, and Yuri sounds like it would be a strong female team.

Any 3 females.