Strider Night School: Study Hall | Strider Hiryu General Discussion

How do you guys feel about Orbs in this game? Doesn’t feel like they protect Hiryu at all

It’s offensive. I do wish they made it like MVC2.

the best tech is the taunt in the corner stuff. get the knockdown taunt…tag then free 50/50

Labbing out Strider/Strange/Mind here. Can someone explain how to do Gram loops (namely, where to dash and how far) and maybe some general Strider tips?

Dash distance isn’t super strict. On many characters the dash is unnecessary but should generally be done anyways just to corner push. Dashes are after the formation and before the gram. Btw if you want to setup gram loops after a strange confirm you pretty much have to do st.rh xx bolts xx tag without using an otg or impact palm on a grounded opponent.

Ending strider combos high up w/ excalibur xx super xx tag lets you dash back x2 put down two yellow graces and a eye. This can give you a lot of dirty teleport mixups and enough lockdown time for to get strider back in afterwards for a bolts xx tag mixup.

Tiger xx Vajra xx tag is an excellent way to set up a teleport mixup anywhere on the screen for strange. At near full screen the tiger will disappear if you teleport behind, as it will be too far off screen, so don’t count on it saving you if you do that.

If you do gram xx tag you can set up an eye and if the gram hits you’ll have enough time to teleport behind them and otg. It’s really easy.

I’ve been playing this team with Space stone, but have been considering mind stone for matchups where the box isn’t as effective.(zero, dorm, etc.)

So what’s the optimal strider solo bnb at this point?

thank you for this tech im actually also trying out strider/strange with soul stone I found this very helpful

Just for those that didn’t already know, Richard Nguyen does this thing where he’s able to lock you down with Strider’s orbs as an “assist”. Basically if you activate orbs, taunt and then tag out Strider does his taunt but the hit boxes stay around for you to lock someone down with.

too bad the duration on orbs is so damn short. by the time you go for a decent set up then taught they are basically over. do you have any decent situations to use this?

I have a BUNCH of tech for this team that is really dirty. When I get the time, I’ll try and add my 2cents plus provide some videos. If you are Xbox add me @ dirtybodega.

Any thoughts on adjusting for the patch? I’m addicted to Hiryu’s movement so I’m not dropping him because of no loops, but it was great to do a gram and start the loop to get close in response to unsafe moves and tags from mid-long screen. The obvious answer is to already have a satellite locked and ready in that scenario, but shit happens so I’m wondering if any of you have been pondering some tech.

Also, what is it that causes one to be able to do a magic series in the air after hitting with HK like I seem to be witnessing in some combo vids?

his bnb that leads to double jump hp…will still work. stray damage goes way down with the loss of gram loop. and solo strider will be a lot weaker.

So I have a situation for you guys: Strider is one of the few characters who gets meterless confirms off of Strange’s Spell of Vishanti hyper by clipping them with Vajra. Apparently, when Vajra connects that high up on the screen, it causes an utterly silly ground bounce. Like, you can actually activate an infinity storm when you land and still land a st.HP into combos. What is a good combo at this point (ground bounce used, 3000-3270 damage and Vajra is the 11th hit)?

This is off a raw BOB. After the Strider Air Super, tag Strange, lk teleport, HK>Flight>HK>SOV. You can also do HK>Flight>HK>HK Daggers>SOV.

you can also do 3 excalibur loops launch double jump combo. Does about 5400 pre super.

a couple of quick concepts for strider/ gamora.