
I know I haven’t had much too much experience playing all of you, but for those who have, can you guys offer some insight to my strengths/weaknesses?

guile is one of the most slept on sf4 characters he just takes too much work.

jeff youre a beast and you always outguess me on wakeup. ima get you nigga watch out

paul lee you should probably start with ryu then go to sagat. also block low and tech throws! lol and get some goddam sleep before you play cuz i swear we ALWAYS have nasty matches and we play late at night and look like some goddam scrubs lol

eman your bison clutches some shit out like ive never seen before. ill watch you play and ill think what is he doing? then you end up raping somehow. im thinking why would he throw that out? then they get hit. you also know bison pretty well. i thought you missed combos but last time i seen you play you were hitting those combos…i’ve also never played you for some reason lol. we should play. probably not a mirror match though cuz i hate that shit and bison/bison is pretty gross

This is a funny thread. [:

You’re a solid player but seem to have some inexperience… Like when you played Sagat at Jareds last week I saw you doing random strength tiger knees, the prob with tiger knee is that at the wrong range it can be a free throw for the opponent or whatever. I’ve played sagat like ten times randomly so I don’t know anything about him but I think the right way to do tiger knee in a string is at the edge of c.lp range and only the lk version. Little things like that make a big difference, and mentally knowing what works is really important

Also with Sagat you kinda commit to your next move regardless of what the opponent is doing. I know you can space and play normal but when up close maybe you are getting a little flustered and I’ll see you do things like random in predicting them jumping, the prob is thats a really low min/max situation, I guess in the best case you would catch them walking or dashing towards you and get both hits, otherwise you are gonna get 1 hit if they jump for low damage or eat a long range low move into combo.

This is just totally my opinion but Sagat is actually a pretty defensive character, some people like to try to rush down like crazy but it’s best to just chill out and look for your 1-2 big opportunities per match and let your zoning wittle the opponent down and if their health is lower than yours they will start taking more risk to get in.

Don’t know if I can agree with Jacob about switching to Ryu though, I feel like everyone knows how to play basics very well vs Ryu, its like everyones play is amplified vs him. He doesn’t particularly have any big tricks or innate advantages like sagat with his 1100 health/stun and huge damage tiger uppercut… and even his big damage potential for comebacks is really hard to land on a good player imo. Like the better the players the less you would ever see something like or light punch dp into ultra or any cute corner setup for an easy ultra. Ryu is hard ass work, I’d really just stick with Sagat if I were you.

paul switches to ryu after sagat sometimes. im saying start with ryu then switch to sagat

Yeah James I was really trowing some crazy TK’s out there but like you said I have almost no Viper experience so I was mainly testing the distances and also seeing what I could and couldn’t punish for sure I think I have a much better grasp on the Viper match up now thanks to you and Nolan.

and YES, Jacob I need some more sleep lol. I will probably be going Ryu in this Zach’s till I lose one which won’t be long lol.


just wake up random wake up ultra… you’ll get me! hahaha

thanks elias and shawn for rating me LOL… i’ll sure try to switch things up when i play.

I think the key is to not overthink about future matches, I know one of mandel’s rituals is to never look @ the bracket till after his 1st match. That way he doesn’t see who he might have to face down the line, this let’s him focus on the match at hand. I also generally don’t think too much about my next opponent, I just try to remember so mental notes about them like can they break grabs well? Do they do wake up ultra? Can I cross them up? Then in the match I just feeel them out and take any advantages I can.

i posted this in the gw thread but i get really nervous if ive never played you before and i get REALLY nervous in tournaments. i think this is why i like to play drunk because ill relax and i wont give a fuck who you are. you go’n get RAPED. pedo van with candy, toys and everything else

sad liquor is my crutch. i wouldda been so juiced at evo. im definitely not a very nervous person but it comes out when i have to do something im not sure if i can do.

fuck you youre a pussy not me

You have some really really annoying keepaway, I literally don’t know how to get in on you without paying a half life deficit.

If I knew your weaknesses I wouldn’t have lost to you both times I’ve faced you in tournies. :rofl:

Hrmm. Maybe after next Zach’s I’ll want to get on this thread. I’m switching characters again now. Akuma’s too much work, and people are starting to get good with him finally.

Main- Blanka
Second- Chun
Third- Guile

I think one of my strengths or specialities would be not getting discouraged by repeated losses. I guess you would call it perserverance.

As far as my Marvel power rating goes (I almost have a complete set of those by the way)

Offense: 5
Defense: 6
Execution: 3-4
Momentum: 6
Clutch: 3-4
Adaptation: 5
Reading: 5

Yomi. Wanna fight about it? Reading my opponent is something I have really, really been trying to work on, and I think it’s different then adaptation. Adaptation can involve seeing their overall style, and realizing where you need to change your game plan to counter it, such as not rushing or getting baited, where as reading is really taking the moment at hand and making your best prediction about what they will do.

From this list, I think increasing my execution is the most important thing I can focus on. If I can increase my execution, I can definitely increase my offense, momentum and clutch and be a more solid player overall.

To increase my stamina, energy projection and intelligence, I think I will need Thor’s Hammer or Adam Warlock’s powers.

Marvel power rating? I think I’ve got a pretty decent idea of that one.

Offense: 7
Defense: 5
Execution: 5
Momentum: 5
Clutch: 8
Adaptation: 6
Reading: 7

I swear that gameplay improves with excecution more than anything else. Offense, clutch, and momentum all go straight up with improvement in execution, and that’s one of my weakest points in any game.

I have all of Series 3 and Series 4. I’ve always wanted to get series 2.

Fuck all these ratings. All you need is 150% hardbody.

I’ll rate you!


I really have poor execution, and timing. I’ve noticed that if I try to zone someone out, it’s pretty effective, but its w/e. I’m not a strong player when it comes to fighting games yet because I have very little experience by comparison to everyone I play against. It will help me out in the long run to learn by playing seasoned players which is why I like to play so much against all of you.

Learning is also key.

I just came up with a new tactic for wake up where I won’t be able to screw up so much, that I am pleased about.

Ill be able to rate that stuff if you’d like. I won’t be able to enter the tournament, so i’ll be playing casuals all day.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon?

I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh in high school. I was ripping people in 3 weeks at that game. People as in people who put TONS of money into their game.

Fuck Exodia!

I cant beat gimmick characters…