Streetfighter Guide

Unfortunately my old and unfinished guide at has been deleted by the hosting company. The problem was that spam bots had somehow managed to beat the Captcha visual authentication and the email registration requirement.

The pending slurry of slow MySQL requests overloaded their server somewhat and the site was removed.

I have decided to rehost it without the forum. Nobody was really using the forum anyway, but there is quite a lot of good information on there for most of the characters, particularly the Honda Guide, the Vega Guide and the Dictator Guide.

If people think the information there IS good and it’s worth trying to start the project rolling again sans the forum, then let me know. In hindsight it was an ambitious plan, it’s not a pretty website and most of the characters have only basic primers or no information at all.

I don’t know what the current state of the game is - I played recently after a long break and met a mixture of good and rubbish players so I can only assume people are still playing.

Anyway - the info is there, and for some characters there are some pretty detailed strategies, any comments can be pm’d to me here.

The new url for the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix Guide

Maybe this is something we could host on the WWL website. I think something like this would be a nice little expansion for the league page. PM me and let’s talk about it.
