Street Fighter x Tekken v2013 FRAMEDATA (incl. DLC Chars)

That kinda sucks. I hope they change this. In any case, how many active frames do throws have? From your post I’m assuming it’s two? Does throwing on the second active frame give your more 1f more advantage? I heard a rumour that this happens in AE but I’ve never checked it or seen it confirmed.

Very Doubtful.

This was the case in SF4 as well (except that game had 2f unthrowable), and it is why you can never regular throw against reversal SPDing Zangief on wake-up in that game.

No, it shouldn’t increase advantage since it’s just a set animation after throwbox connects with the opponent.

However, afaik, it basically “extends” the total number of frames you can tech by 1f, because you can stand throw tech during: start-up + a certain number of frames after throw connection is detected (According to Brady guide, it was 7f throw start-up + 5f window for tech after throw detection, and I’m assuming it changed to 5f throw start-up + 7f window for tech after throw detection). Because 2nd active frame literally has a start-up of 6f, you should have 13f window (6f start-up + 7f window) to stand tech. That’s probably the only difference.

IIRC all throws have 2f active frames.

Yeah I know it’s there but it’s not really a big problem because it’s only 2f invincibility vs 3f startup. In SFxT it’s 3f invincibility vs 5f startup which makes throws even weaker than they appear. I wanted to do more testing with throws later (eg. can they be teched before they startup like in SFIV) but since DS:R is out it’s going to have to wait.

Yes - this is very true. It happens all the time with King. If I link cr.lp > cr.hp (forces standing)> Ex. Convict Kick on a crouching character, the follow up “jumping knee lift” hits 100% of the time. But, if I boost cr. lk>cr. hp into the same combo I get crouching characters I seem to find characters falling/dropping on the knee lift from time to time.

gonna post them in the character sections, but might be of interest for others.

Chain Framedata:

~cl.MP: +4 / 0
~cl.MK: -3 / -7
~cl.HP: -4 / -10
~cl.HK: -7 / -12
~s.MP: -2 / -6
~s.MK: -10 / -14
~s.HP: -4 / -14
~s.HK: -15 / -20
~c.MP: -5 / -9
~c.MK: -3 / -7
~c.HP: -5 / -20
~c.HK: hard knockdown / -18

c.LK~cl.MP all day erryday

~cl.MP: -3 / -7
~cl.MK: -8 / -12
~cl.HP: -5 / -11
~cl.HK: -12 / -18
~s.MP: -5 / -9
~s.MK: -3 / -7
~s.HP: -7 / -12
~s.HK: -6 / -11
~c.MP: -3 / -7
~c.MK: -7 / -11
~c.HP: -12 / -18
~c.HK: hard knock down / -15

Some more corrections…

MK (duplicate entry): Not cancelable
MK>MK: Cancelable into BC, LA
MK>MK>HK: Cancelable into LA
LP (duplicate entries): Startup 4
LP>LK: Cancelable into BC, LA
LP>LK>LK: Cancelable into SM, EX, SA, CA

Are you gonna do all of the characters chain combos? I’d love to see how many characters still have + on hit or 0 on block boost combos after the absolute rampage they pulled on Cody’s boost combos (I’m also curious to see how badly his overall boost combos stack up in terms of hit/block frame disadvantage compared to other characters. I’m pretty sure that he is in the top 5-8 worst now with likely only some of the giant characters like Kuma/Jack/Gief/Hugo being noticabley worse.

Only for my team. :stuck_out_tongue:
If you want to know certain chain attacks, I can do them for you tho.

Well I’d like to see if Cody’s match up to the patch notes. I’d also like to see Dudley’s (his target combos are all + on block so it wouldn’t be surprising if his boosts were decent too.) and Jin/Law/Kazuya/Julia/Guy

That’s it really.

Some combination are impossible to test tho. Target combos replace boost combos for some character’s combinations.
Any moves in particular? ~s.HK will be unsafe for all characters etc.

Whatever ones you are able to test. I’m not looking for combos. Mostly just looking for more fuel to feed my rage at how nerfed Cody was and grow some more “I told you so” in my garden lol.

LP Shoryuken: On Block -26 (-27)
MP Shoryuken: On Block -40 (-41)
HP Shoryuken: On Block -43 (-44)
EX Shoryuken: Start Up 4F (5)
EX Shoryuken: On Block -35 (-43)
HK Joudan: Unchanged block advantage of -6F as in patch 1.06 introduced. (1.08 states additional -4F block stun)
EX Joudan: Start Up 15F (16)
Air Tatsumaki: On Block +5 (+3)
EX Air Tatsumaki: Start Up 8F (9)
EX Hadoken: Start Up 12F (13)
Super Art: Start Up 4F (5)

cl.HK: On Block -2 (-4)
EX High Tiger Shot: Start Up 12F (13)
EX High Tiger Shot: On Block +3 (+4)
Low Tiger Shit: On Hit -3 (+4)
EX Low Tiger Shot: Start Up 13F (14)
EX Low Tiger Shot: On Block +2 (-1)
LP Tiger Uppercut: On Block -40 (-41)
MP Tiger Uppercut: On Block -43 (-44)
HP Tiger Uppercut: On Block -43 (-44)
EX Tiger Uppercut: Start Up 3F (4)
EX Tiger Knee: Start Up 8F (9)

EX Scarlet Terror: Start Up 5F (6)

Wow, only 1 entry. The start up for FBA is difficult to determine, so I couldn’t verify it exactly. I had 28F start up for the earliest timing, but it seems weird to have something slower instead of faster.

Yoshimitu’s overhead kick (f + mk) causes slip stun against crouching opponents on counter hit.

Lariat: Damage 100[120 2nd/3rd hit] (150)
Flying Body Attack: On Block +5F (+4)
EX Spinning Piledriver: Start Up 5F (6)
EX Banishing Flat: Start Up 14F (15)
Quick Lariat: Start Up 5F (11)
Quick Lariat: On Block +8 (-4), -18 vs Crouching
Double Lariat: On Block -17 (-37), -43 vs Crouching
MK,HK,EX Flying Powerbomb: On Block - (-10,-1,-1)
EX Atomic Suplex: Start Up 3F (4)

Street Fighter side finished!

The stuff you help contribute to SFxT are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for all this information.

zUkUu can you check the frame data on Sakura’s level 2 fireball? All I know is it does 70 damage…

She has a level 2?