Street Fighter x Tekken v2013 FRAMEDATA (incl. DLC Chars)

And miss the opportunity to speak my 1337s?

Thanks by the way. The list in one post:

EX Lariat

EX Lariat’s advantage is correctly listed with 0/-8. Its start up is 14F tho, and not 15F. More of any differences in a bit when I finished him. -5-9 -2-10 hard knockdown-13
~s.hp: -9-15

btw, I just found out that all of them except were mentioned in the patch notes. >_>

I know, but I don’t trust Capcom’s patch notes.

Thanks again.

umm… could you test the SD on hit for Bryan’s boost into cl.MP?

I swear, I’m done requesting for the night… :slight_smile:

I should totally make a pay-for-request donation button somewhere… :stuck_out_tongue: 0/-4 +3/-1

As in idea… but one that you can feel free to say no to… Add a “boost” column to the frame data? because boosted normals really are just a totally different set of normals. Sometimes they even have altered animations or hitboxes.

Never seen a different animation, any example? Dunno for hitbox, but they seem alike.

That would mean a shitload of work. At the moment, I want to get this check up done quickly, so I don’t have to do any major work on it anymore and only doing requests or if someone finds errors. I’ve been neglecting my leisure time pretty gravely. Haven’t played any other game since 1.08 launched, only doing frame data and an hour or two of online matches… really want to replay Planescape: Torment (and you should all back up Torment 2 on kickstarter btw), but have no time for it, since I also have college stuff.

I’ll do that for Guile and Paul tho, out of personal benefit. :3

no problem, you’ve already done more than enough.

An example of an animation change would be how Abel uses his fMK when you would think he would boost into fr.MK.

Alot of boosts have bigger hitboxes and added forward motion. I’m sure this is just to make sure the boost combo connects completely.

f.Mk is a command normal, I don’t think you can boost into it. His cl.MK looks similar tho.

edit: nvm, misread it.

edit2: tested it, his just looks like his He boosts into far mk when spaced.

Body Press: On Hit +17 (20)
Body Press: On Block +5 (8)
Ultra Throw: Start Up 9F (10)
EX Shootdown Backbreaker: 5F (6)
EX Giant Palm Breaker: Start Up 17F (18)
EX Monster Lariat: Start Up 14F (15)
EX Moonsault Press: Start Up 6F (7)
Added missing recovery of Ultra Throw & EX Ultra Throw
Added missing recovery Meat Squasher & EX Meat Squasher
Super Art: Start Up 6F (7)

The other two check ups I did today:
LP, MP, HP Raida: Start Up 2F (3)
EX Raida: Start Up 16F (8)
EX Kunai: Start Up 10F (11)
EX Kazakiri: Start up 6F (7)
MK Tsumuji: On Block -3 (-1)
HK Tsumuji: On Block -3 (0)
EX Tsumuji: Start Up 13F (14)
EX Neckbreaker: Start Up 16F (17)
Cross Art: Start Up 7F (6)

Sekku: On Hit +2 (+3)
Sekku: On Block -2 (0)
Fuhajin: On Block -4 (-3)
EX Fuhajin (LK+MK): Start Up 14F (15)
EX Fuhajin (LK+HK): Start Up 14F (15)
EX Fuhajin (MK+HK): Start Up 15F (16)
HK Senpusha: On Block -15 (-14)
EX Senpusha: On Block -18 (-30)
EX Shikusen: Start Up 15F (16)
EX Senpusha: Start Up 10F (11)
Cross Art: Start Up 9F (8)
Super Art: Start Up 13F (14)

This was actually stated in the change video that Combofiend made. The patch notes erroneously said +3 instead of -3.

I literally spent 5 minutes trying to find this thread in the non-sticky department. Congrats for getting it stickied!

I just noticed too. I didn’t request it or anything. Could have been a link in the info thread tho. Then again, that thread is outdated and I doubt many use it. Framedata is crucial information, so I can live with that decision.^^ First the Paul and Cody forum, then a sticky in the general section, soon THE WORLD!

Thought that the “frame data guide being very wrong” thing was worth of a sticky for people to see >_>

I’m cleaning up the info thread as well, adding some stuff I unstickied.

It’s worthy of a sticky, just for people having an easy time to access the frame data alone. It’s literally the most crucial piece of information for the game. So don’t worry - it’s a good decision.^^

Question: How many characters DON’T have a way to do any ONE: slip/crumple/wallbounce/ground bounce WITHOUT jumping? I think only like 4 in the game don’t have a way to do it. (I know Sim and Cody have no way to do any of those without jumping, even on a counterhit.) I’m honestly AMAZED that with how much Cody is supposed to be a frame trap/counter hit based character they didn’t give him any special “on counter hit” abilities like they did for most of the cast. Having his badstone cause a slip on counterhit or making his crack kick (or MK Ruffian) cause a wall bounce on CH would have likely allowed for some interesting combos outside of the corner. Another good one would have been making his b.MP cause a slip on CH against grounded opponents. It can’t hit crouching and it’s negative on block and zero on hit so it has very little use on the ground but this would have given it an additional use.

I’m also surprised that Sim’s s.LP overhead doesn’t cause a ground bounce on CH.

Yeah, they didn’t thought Cody through at all. He had two gimmicks, and nerfed the shit out of both. Now he is a wreck. EX Ruffian should have wall bounce. Far HP is quite useless, so that should cause a crumple.

Sim doesn’t seem like his overhead should have a groundbounce at all. I’m not surprise and it doesn’t really fit the character. Tbh, I don’t know why he has an overhead to begin with. Sniper is good enough as overhead.

Today’s check up results:
LK, HK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (air): On Hit +10 (+15)
MK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (air): On Hit +10 (+14)
MK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (air): On Block +5 (+4)
HK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (air): Start Up 8F (7)
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (air): Start Up 7F (8)
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: Start Up 7F (8)
Shoryuken (all versions): Added hit advantage.
MP Shoryuken: On Block -37 (-38)
MP Shoryuken: On Block -40 against crouching
EX Shoryuken: On Block -39 (-40)
Cross Art: Start Up 9F (8)

M. Bison
s.MP: On Hit +5 (+7)
HP Psycho Crusher: On Block -33 (-16)
EX Double Knee Press: Start Up 14F (15)
EX Double Knee Press: On Block -32 (-31)
EX Psycho Crusher: Start Up 15F (16)
Devil Reverse Follow Up: On Block +5 (+1)
EX Deil Reverse Follow Up: On Block+5 (+1)
Head Press: Start Up 23-41 (23-36)
EX Head Press: Start Up 23-41 (24-36)
Super Art: Start Up 12F (13)

I dunno if his far HP causing a crumple would have been a good idea (8F startup, safe on block) but they certainly should have buffed the damage on his far HK to 100 at least. And far HP could have been made faster or cancelable or cause a techable knockdown on CH (so he could potentially juggle after)

I still think that if they had made his far MP special cancelable he’d be able to stay mid tier. it’s a 7F startup and only 60damage (compared to the 90 damage in AE) sure it’s +7F on hit but he can’t really DO anything with it since the pushback puts him too far for any followup usually.

Anyways that is getting off on a rant. I’m genuinely curious though how many characters have no way to slip/groundbounce/wallbounce/crumple without a jumping attack.

I’ve never really used frame data but I’m genuinely trying to get better now so I started reading up on this stuff. It’s helped me out a bunch, but I still don’t understand everything, any help on these questions would be appreciated.

One thing I noticed when I looked at King’s data was his Rolling Elbow Rush. Says the first hit is +4 on hit and the second has a start up of 6 frames, but it still combos? Is this wrong data or am I reading this wrong?

Another question is that when you make your opponent block King’s cr.LK, cancel the move into LK Tomahawk and the opponent keeps crouching, the grab will connect. However you do this with cr.MK and it will not work, other versions of the Tomahawk also won’t work. It only works with cr.LK, because there’s little blockstun, correct? So why isn’t the blockstun listed? Or is this something you can easily calculate by looking at the recovery of the move and the hit/block advantage?

Also, even if you look at it that way you can see that the recovery on cr.MK is 18 frames, the block advantage is -1 so your opponent recovers 1 frame before you do, right? That would mean the opponent would recover 17 frames after the cr.MK is blocked. So if you cancel cr.MK xx LK Tomahawk, it’s supposed to work, right? Since LK Tomahawk has 18 frames of startup, the opponent should have already recovered from the blockstun and he should be susceptible to a grab.

I’m probably way off with all this, but yeah I’m a noob when it comes to numbers. I just know how to press buttons really fast.