Street Fighter Wallpaper

Something real quick I whipped up

Just downloaded the first one, will probably use it really soon :slight_smile:

LOL I don’t remember making this post…I was drunk as hell making it


Nice! But a bit busy for my desktop, I prefer something a bit more laid back. Blues and greens you know? Something relaxing for the eyes.

Nice work though.

lol thanks…man…if you’ll think thats good maybe I should start doing more serious work…that graphic is a prime example of my mind at the time…random and busy…hmmm…

Very nice, although I’d like to see a different colored variant. To me the colors are a bit strange for my tastes. btw I’m seeing a lot of images in the background. It’s easy to tell that Ibuki is on the right but who is on the left, I can’t make it out exactly…

really love the chun art

This thread is so old but I see people really enjoy my work! I’m going to make some more backgrounds. Something more “minimalistic” for sure. I was really intoxicated when making that.