Ah yes, good to see Wales getting no love again.
I think Wales only had one event I can think of, which was the Tekken 5 UK Tournament which had a qualifier in Cardiff Virgin Megastore (which I attended and met some uber people)
The only location I looked at wanting to go to was the London one, but 19th - 22nd Feb but with a collegue on holiday that week and with the actual game being released that week too may get it a day or two early depending on play and the Royal Mail outlook not so good. Still it’s a good chance to anyone who hasn’t had a shot at it and hopefully people seeing the game in certain stores will help promote the game further within the UK to those who were unsure or knew little about it.
It’s a pair of customised arcade style cabinets supplied by Capcom. It’s not arcade cabinets, and not consoles either. It’s running on PCs. There’s a little frame rate stutter here and there, but still pretty damn smooth.
The controls are very similar in looks to the arcade cabinets. Not sure if it’s the same quality, but it’s perfectly functional and it was very easy to perform everything. Not sure if that’s more to do with the engine or the controls. I’m normally a mediocre Gief at best, but I could standing 720 after a SA without jumping 100% of the time. Could even spam teleports with accuracy and timing with Bison and Akuma (didn’t play much with Dhalsim), which I’m normally pretty iffy on with a stick (better at doing it on a pad, dunno why).
Spent most of the time with Vega, and charges seem pretty flawless and smooth, even diagonal charge moves like flip and super.
The only thing that took me a little time was horizontal charge supers, which after a few matches of failed supers/ultras with Bison, I realised that in SF4, these moves are done at a slower speed than in ST. Trying to do them at ST speed resulted in random teleports coming, but doing it with a beat in between each direction it came out every time.
It wasn’t a particularly competitive event, so I spent most of the matches trying out some of the new mechanics and combos.