Street Fighter IV SE Fightstick on pc?

Is it possible to get the SE working on the pc? if so how? thanks

Plug and play.

Is it really that easy just plug and play?

It’s on the very first post.

well mine doesn’t work do i need to install the drivers for the xbox 360 controller or is there an actual driver for the fight stick

Ah never mind i have an nvidia board so the stick is recognized but it doesnt work

what’s having an nvidia board matter? windows should recognize a 360 controller off the bat, as far as a ps3 one you’ll have to get some drivers

apparently the stick does not work on a pc using an nvidia board due to a mistake madcatz made i guess

i guess theres some truth to this because my stick does not work in mame

I have an nvidia board and my shit is flawless. In fact, I’ve used mine on 2 nvidia boards. Something is up with your stick, or it just doesn’t work in MAME. Not working in MAME doesn’t mean it doesn’t work on PC. BUT, there is a solution. You can use Xpadder or joy2key. Xpadder is what I use. Some of my emus don’t work with joysticks or don’t recognize my stick.

Xpadder LINK

yea dude i checked it out it works fine on my pc in my emus it doesn’t

thanks for that link im gonna try it out

Also it won’t hurt to Try downloading/installing the windows controller drivers for XBOX360 controllers, after its installed, plug in the joystick, see if it works by going to START/SETTINGS/CONTROL PANEL then double click JOYSTICKS it should be in the middle white box and you should be able to highlite it and click PROPERTIES to test all the buttons.

XP SP1 Driver