Street Fighter IV Match Videos: Top Players (+ 2009 US & World Champ Vids)

Haven’t added all of those. Saving them for tomorrow.

nohoho did you ever confirm the feed for tonight’s street battles?

That link I posted before ought to work. If not use this one:

Thanks much!

Looks like it begins at midnight (EST).

Matches going to be mirrored on zoome?

1st: Headpress (Dictator) / MACHI (AK)/ ??? (RY)?
2nd: Bonchan (SA)/ Mago (SA)/ Nemo (CH)

I tuned in late and their last team mate didn’t play in the finals. Maybe nohoho can confirm since i wasn’t paying attention.

Machi did a combo video on Mago. Beast.

Wow Dic wins first…this should be an entertaining watch

Since when are teams allowed to have two of the same character though? (Looking at second team)

did anyone record the stream? nohoho?

Heh my computer is too slow. I think he’ll post stuff on Zoome eventually.

Nestor yeah Hirai Ryu. I Hara Dhalsim’s team tied for third they got the upset over Momochi, Kindevu, Shizuoka Saikyo.

O Head press - Bonchan X
X Head press - Mago O
O Oomachi - Mago X
O Oomachi - Nemo X

Well first its the middle of SBO Q season so people have other stuff on their minds besides sorting out 3on3 teams. But also it isn’t really clear that SF4 3ons need that rule. Like in Japan Super Turbo 3on events almost never have it. On that game at least a diverse team is a strong one.

I mean in this specific case it cost them. Bonchan is really tough. And Sagat is Sagat. Still Mago Nemo would have been better off in the finals with a good Balrog, Dhalsim or Viper.

Radiowave & Emilio vs. Aojiru Guile & Vega Curry
Emilio stomps “god killer” Vega Curry. Good shit.

You should post some vids of Fuson’s Guile. He is definitely one of the top Guile’s from America out there.

Is that what they call him after Nationals? :rofl:

Looks like he lost.

He was doing really well in all the prior matches.

On the DJWheat radio interview, he stated that he was mentally exhausted around that point, and who could blame him? Tournaments drain the shit out of you if you were playing matches all day long.

Daigo and Poongko


Match of Daigo in TRF, i think it’s freeplay where the winner stay. So you will see a lot of match of Daigo but he will have hard time versus a good Sagat.


Quality is not good though :confused:

And Poongko has posted on a new channel youtube near 100 matchs !!! of him on psn and on Arcade.

Enjoy too

Lol. Ok. Like Marn wasn’t just as tired. Please.

Man up and admit other dude got beat. Why make excuses for him?

The Rufus player also had a loud ass crowd and announcer taunting and insulting him (all of whom more or less powned). If anyone has an excuse it’s him.

Good find!

nice reset at around 1:56

I felt like watching that reset you mentioned , but i was flabbergasted way earlier :S

Specifically at 0:40 , sure the vid is low quality , but it seriously looks like poongko kara-cancels a hurricane kick into dp there :xeye:

Can someone explain this for me , or am i just bind ?

Edit: Ok i managed to freeze-frame that shit , and now it seems like he does xx shoryu . Still looks funky as hell at full speed tho.

Gama started uploading some NSB6 footage. More to come.

Momodebu still struggling to get a spot at SBO.

Yeah they were teasing him the next week at TRF. This week it was Mizoteru “Green Devil” in the finals vs. Daigo before the match he says it’s time for god to fight the devil.