Street Fighter IV Fightstick doesn't have a driver

Trying to hook up my fightstick to use on my labtop, repeatedly getting a message telling me that the fightstick doesn’t have a driver. Looking more into this, I find a Madcatz topic about this issue at

Followed this link, couldn’t find any links to drivers, only accessory software that reminds me that there’s no accessory connected (the stick is listed under ‘unspecified’ on the control panel, telling me it needs troubleshooting).

Is there a proper fix to this?

Is it PS3 or Xbox 360?

For 360, which is weird, because in my looking for help I’ve seen material where this stick was described as very user friendly for PC, just plug and play.

its a driver issue then
Reinstall the driver

For the stick or the pc?

Since it’s an officially licensed XBox 360 product, the XBox 360 Controller for Windows driver, once properly installed, should allow your PC to recognize it as an XBox 360 Controller.

Can you provide a link somewhere? Because everywhere I’ve looked I’m simply given downloads of the XBOX 360 accessories software instead of anything resembling a driver.

I’m not a big tech person, but this whole process seems like it’s way more complicated than it needs to be. If I missed some crucial detail then fine, egg on face I was stupid, but any more of this and I’ll probably just blow 40 bucks on one of PC pads out of frustration.

Got to and search for “XBox 360 controller for Windows software” in the search box at the top of the page. There’s a specific install for the wired XBox 360 controller, which will work. The “accessories” software is for the wireless receiver, which will let you use any wireless XBox 360 accessory (like the controller, headset, or wireless wheel) on your PC.

EDIT: If you run 64 bit Windows 7, try reading this page as well.

So just install the driver from a wireless receiver? I’ll try and follow the instructions on that site, thanks very much for being helpful and patient with this whole ordeal.

EDIT: following the first part seemed no good, it was pointing me towards a download that seemed to only be compatible with XP.

so to install the accessory software you would want this, assuming you’re running Windows 7:
If not then there are plenty other operating systems the software offers.

Now i had a very similar problem with a Madcatz SFxT Pro stick. It would be shaky on whether or not it would work with either my PC or Xbox 360; For instance the light around the Xbox logo would blink then remain off, and the PC would say it couldn’t recognize the USB Device (which to me sounds like the problem you’re having, but i’m assuming you haven’t installed the software).

So find the software for whichever operating system you have from the link above, install it, and let me know if I helped out at all!

That sounds like what I’m getting, but the accessory software doesn’t help because I’m being told the stick is unspecified.

So this seems to be an issue more with the stick itself than the computer. Is this something I could fix by checking out the hardware inside? The seal sticker on the bottom is still there, so the stick hasn’t been tampered with as far as I know.

Click on Explore additional options, using the wizard and allow Windows to search for and install the correct drivers.

Not giving me the option to even install drivers, instead giving me a Code 28.

Should I just try and install the driver manually?


Finding advice for getting rid of code 28 led me here

I really should have read it more thoroughly, because the second I found device manager I tried backing up the fightstick under a 61883 device class, which now gives me an error 10.

This is how device manager now appears, where before the fightstick had it’s own little tab.

Restarting the computer didn’t help, so I’m trying to find ways to undo this, I really don’t wanna fuck up again.

I’m sorry this has turned into tech help for morons, and I should probably find a better place for this discussion.

Thats weird…i just installed the Wireless Xbox 360 drivers for Windows, I have 2 TE fight sticks usable in Windows 8 (worked fine in 7 as well) - you tried this? or

I’m not positively sure you even need the above drivers…but im using the TE sticks and 2 or 3 wireless xbox controllers and they work without issue.

Maybe try deleting that conflict.

okay, deleted the conflict, I’ll reinstall that driver later, the stick is once again showing up by itself, under ‘other devices’, still getting the prompt that there’s no driver installed. I’ve tried following instructions in links you’ve provided, but they only give me the software for 360 accessories and no driver it seems.

this is the prompt I now once again get when plugging my stick in. So I guess it’s back to trying to install a driver manually.

Ive had issues almost like this and what you can try is:
Try USB 2.0 port and 3.0 port
Try USB 2.0 extention cord in a USB 3.0 port, this is how I got my PS3 stick working on my PC

Also, have you tried it on a diffrent setup so you know its not a broken stick?

The stick’s not broken, it’s worked fine on my 360, though I didn’t spend enough time to check for issues like input lag or anything.

I’ll check around for a extension cord, thanks.

Try this: in the Device Manager, select Update Driver, then choose the Manual option (auto detect won’t work). At some point, you should have the option to select the XBox 360 Controller for Windows. After the wizard is finished, disconnect, then reconnect the stick. HOPEFULLY, it will then be recognized as an XBox 360 Controller for Windows… At least, that’s how I got it to work on my Windows 7 machine.

If that doesn’t work… All I can tell you is that my 2 Win 8 machines detected my MCZ sticks as XBox 360 Controllers for Windows with no problem whatsoever the first time I connected one, including my SFIV Round 1 stick.

I’m finding something called “Common Controller for Windows Class”, would this be the one? Not doing anything yet, just wanted to know if that’s on the right track.

If it’s anything like the HRAP I just got working, you can use the ‘Common Controller for Windows Class’ option, and then it will bring up a few more options. Just choose the one that matches closest (I think it’s like wired microsoft controller or something). Did that for mine and it lit up straight away.