"Street Fighter II" intro: Joe and Mike?

It seems to be common agreement that the two guys in the intro of “Street Fighter II” are Joe and Mike from the first game.
O.k., I understand why people think it’s Joe, since he was already used in the intro of “Street Fighter I”.
But why do people think the black guy is Mike? Weren’t Mike and Balrog originally supposed to be the same character? So, that would mean that they show one of the Grand Masters getting knocked out here. Not very likely, is it? And even if Mike and Balrog have always been supposed to be separate characters, each of them is still a stand-in for Mike Tyson. And the guy in the intro looks nothing like Mike Tyson.
So, where does that theory come from? Why do people think the guy in the intro is Mike?

Another question: What do you think about the theory that the blond guy isn’t Joe either, but Cody from “Final Fight”? After all, he wears exactly the same clothes as Cody.

Oh man, I give it up. I mean, will you actually talk about anything? Except for fancy combos and counting frames, that is.
I mean, I’m already confused why, when it comes to gameplay issues, every fighter in every game has an own subforum while the plot-related topics are not just discussed in only one forum, but in one single thread. A 300 pages long mess where you wouldn’t find shit if you were looking for something specific, hidden in the sub forum of fan fiction.
I just don’t get it: How come that when I go to a “Mortal Kombat” forum, I will find three plot-related threads on the first page alone, but when I go to a “Street Fighter” forum and ask a specific plot-related question, nobody will answer? Are you all mathematicians who completely disregard everything that has to do with “Street Fighter”'s story and see the games as nothing more but tech demos? Sometimes, it looks like that. Sometimes, it looks like you don’t regard Ryu and Sagat as old rivals, but as solely a bunch of hitboxes whose motions need a certain, fixed amount of screen frames.
I already had that problem with the Capcom Unity forum, but I thought this one here might have hope. After all, you have a fan fiction forum and a plot thread. But no. The fan fiction forum is pretty much dead and the plot thread is such a convoluted mess that it’s not funny anymore. And whenever I post a thread about anything: Zero responses. (I bet if I went to one of the gameplay sub forums and asked how to execute a Sonic Boom, people would answer for days and weeks.)
So, what’s up with you? How come the “Mortal Kombat” communities have a whole bunch of communication about story-related issues, but on a “Street Fighter” forum, you cannot even talk about the most basic things? Do the “Street Fighter” fans really just consist of a bunch of combo fetishists? People who would rather see a video of a pro playing the game than seeing a funny animated video about the characters.

Mortal Kombat is probably not the best comparison. Generally speaking, MK has a better storyline than SF, and the latest game even has a story mode. It’s natural that MK fans have an interest in the story while the SF community shares a disdain for the SF one.

SF1 and SF2 had in fact good stories, but that happened twenty years ago. People don’t care now and we have to understand. You should complain to Capcom for making the story so bad that their own players have no interest on it.

The latest game is from 2011. Prior to that, the games didn’t present much story in-game either. At best, you had an intro, then the standard arcade mode, and the character’s ending.

Even if we do a 1:1 comparison, “Street Fighter” doesn’t necessarily have less storyline than “Mortal Kombat”:
“Mortal Kombat I” basically equals “Street Fighter II”: An “official” tournament where participants (enemies of the main bad guy as well as general martial artists) join for various reasons and where the bad guy will rule the world if he wins.
“Mortal Kombat II” is “Street Fighter III”: A secret private tournament held by some ruler for similar goals than the other tournament.
“Mortal Kombat 3” is “Street Fighter III: Third Strike”: Direct continuation of the previous plot, with the same bad guy, but this time not in tournament form.
“Mortal Kombat IV” is “Street Fighter IV”: A rather forgettable battle against a similar evil overlord than the one in the previous games.

The other games also just had excuse plots:
“Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance”: Shang Tsung and Quan Chi have joined forces and killed Shao Kahn and Liu Kang. They want to resurrect the army of the Dragon King. Fight them!
“Mortal Kombat Deception”: Shang Tsung and Quan Chi succeeded, but the Dragon King has returned. Fight him!
“Mortal Kombat Armageddon”: Royal Rumble!
There’s an equal number of storylines in “Street Fighter Alpha 2” and “3”.

The only reason why it looks like “Mortal Kombat” has more storyline is because they have some visually impressive intro sequences. But those are maybe five minutes of real time for each game and they only exist for the last three games anyway. The plot that happens during the game is presented just as vaguely as in “Street Fighter”, even in the later games.
Or can you tell from the game what exactly happened during “Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance”? Unlike with “Street Fighter”, you can’t even take the endings as references. For example, no matter if you play through the game with Raiden, Shang Tsung or Quan Chi, none of their endings even remotely resembles the things seen in the intro of “Mortal Kombat Deception”. (And in “Mortal Kombat Armageddon”, not even the game itself can be considered canon. The whole story is basically already told by the intro sequence. Fighters already die and Blaze has already appeared. None of the in-game action happens plot-wise.)
The amount of actual on-screen story prior to the 2011 game is easily matched by “Street Fighter IV”'s anime intro sequences and the countless dialogs in rival battles that are totally missing in any “Mortal Kombat” game.

And that’s, after all, not so natural in my opinion, as I showed above. Not even the mere presentation of the games is less story-driven in “Street Fighter” than in “Mortal Kombat”. The 2011 game was in fact the first one to ever present the story in a good way. But the “Mortal Kombat” community didn’t only start to gain interest in the storyline last year.

For example, some years ago, long before 2011, maybe 2006, I was on a “Mortal Komat” forum and asked what kind of tournament schedule they would come up with for the original game. Unlike with “Street Fighter II” where you can easily find fitting opponents, the “Mortal Kombat” one can be a real pain: Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage and Raiden are the typical good guys, so it’s unlikely that they fight each other. Scorpion and Sub-Zero are canon enemies, so they should fight each other. Which basically means that you are left with Kano as an antagonist and he should fight against Sonya. So, you have Sonya vs. Kano, Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero and Liu Kang vs. Goro and Shang Tsung. Not much of a tournament, is it? But you know what? They actually tried. They actually came up with something. There was actually a discussion. And some months ago, I found a similar discussion on a “Mortal Kombat” forum, again concerning the first game fom 1992. Try the same stuff on a “Street Fighter” forum and take delight in people telling you that to them, a tournament is a very unusual way to portray the storyline of “Street Fighter II”.

Assuming that “Street Fighter II” has been remade as late as 2008, the disinterest can’t have to do with its age. When we are talking about “Street Fighter II”'s storyline, we are equally talking about a game from the early 90s as we are talking about a game from 2008. So, whatever the reason for the disinterest is, it has probably not to do with the game’s age.
Besides, if age is an indicator of how much the fanbase is interested in the story, then why did they specifically decide to remake the first three “Mortal Kombat” games for their movie-like game?

The story of “Street Fighter” is not necessarily worse than the generic storylines of “Super Mario” games. And yet, when you hear people talk about Mario or when they produce something creative, like a comic or a video, it will mostly include the plumber who rescues the princess and who uses mushrooms to grow taller etc. Except for selfmade artworks, what do you see when it comes to devotion toward “Street Fighter”? Combo videos. That’s like if “Super Mario” fan works would consist of nothing but speedruns and glitch abuse.

So, I guess I won’t get another answer for this. In this case, I’m finally out of here.
You know, I’ve encountered several communities that are just moronic. But the interesting thing is: The “Street Fighter” community, as far as I know it, isn’t even that. The “Street Fighter” community is just bland and boring. On other forums, a discussion might be impossible because of the trolls and fanboys who turn everything into a flamewar. But on everything “Street Fighter”-related, a discussion is impossible because there are no people that ever discuss anything. Save for your precious combos and gameplay techniques, you are basically absolutely silent about everything. Nothing works: You don’t react to fan fiction (ironically, in a fan fiction sub forum), you don’t react to parodies (apart from one word statements), you don’t react to talks about the characters (except if I ask a mechanics-based question). That’s just boring. “Street Fighter” has such a huge storyline, so many characters and so many potential topics to talk about. But you just won’t. For you, “Street Fighter” is 100 % gameplay, as if it was fucking “Tetris”. And don’t tell me it’s because today’s storyline is too stupid. For example, the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” franchise still has a huge, active forum. But when have you seen the last interesting work about that series?
So, I really don’t know a reason to stay any longer. I’d rather argue with some stupid morons than literally staring at your silence.

On the other hand, one could point that there are a number of interesting topics, some of them pretty well written, made by other people and I haven’t seen you reply to all of them. They put a lot of work and they’d surely appreciate your input. Put yourself on both sides to understand before you complain.