Street Fighter gathering tonight!

At Starbase arcade in San Rafael. A bunch of game industry folks will be gathering to play and remember the good ole days. It’s a BYOB(bring your own board) type of event but some of the games will be Alpha1,2, MvC1, Xmen v SF, Hyper fighting, etc. There may be a HF tourney if enough folks show.

Sorry for the short notice but I recently got confirmation. Starts at 7pm till whenever.Come out if your in the area or looking for something to do. Address is 1545 4th st San Rafael, CA or call 415-459-7655 if you have questions. Peace.

i used to drive down to starbase from novato all the time to play mvc. why didn’t they ever get mvc2? especially after alladin’s castle in northgate sold their machine?!?!?!?