Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Sat vs PS2(ARC)?

Dunno if there already was a topic about this (my search button doesn’t work >_<)

I need which version is best. I know that the PS2 version is a straight port from the arcade and arcade versions in most cases are the superior ones. But hw does the SAT version stand over this? Any frame glitches, gameplay issues etc? Or is just as good as the arc with a lot of extras?

Actually, I’d like to know the answer to this question as well. Anyone know?

The saturn version of A3 has alot of slowdowns when both characters activate especially big ones like Zangief so I recomend the ps2 version.

zero 3(J) had Pocketstation support.

read this by Middlekick
As for the arcade perfect check on neoempire above,there’s a post about dipswitchs and game version