Street Fighter Alpha 3...did anyone like it?

Nah it’s an object sprite for two of the character endings (Ice man and Spiral).

edit: Funny thing is how rushed Akuma was in order for him to be in cota he doesn’t have a slot in the hit editor.

guyz y dis game have no dash :eek:

I can see casuals liking the game, specially the home versions with all the extra single player stuff, but imo A3 is trash, for a lot of reasons:

-Hitboxes are awful. You could aa with cr. strongs cleanly, but couldnt with vertical and diagonal angled attacks. Also a lot of characters have some hitboxes that make CvS2 cr Fierce Sagat look like 3S sean.
-Music is really bland. The music seems that was made with the same tone and synths for every character.
-Air recovery or flip system wasnt suited for SF at all. Worst yet, it made possible CC infinites.
-Counter hit system is also not suited for SF at all. It made untechable flips, that leaded to some stupid damage.
-The meter system (not the isms) is crap. Slow building bar made A and X ism weak, and their full supers werent as damaging as anything V ism could do.
-V ism is broken. Literally, besides a handful characters (Guy, Gen), everyone is better on V ism. Since you begin with a full bar it was a FAR more turtley game than A2, because every setup was to counter activate on your opponent. Also unblockables, otg CC, lots of weird cancels and could reactivate at 50% bar. As Gunter once said, it was the closest to a 1 button win SF could get.

I can see and RESPECT people playing it for fun, like counterhitting into some cool looking combo, having 3 types of CC options, etc, but to play this for competition or to say this is better than A2 is pure blasphemy (and yes, A2 has its box of problems too, but none so drastic as the shit in this)

You want the best A3 version? Play CvS2, it does everythin A3 tried FAR better.

i honestly enjoyed the game even with the extra characters for the psp the roster was pretty sick the soundtrack couldve been better otherwise wonderful gameplay and series

2 and 3 should be on psn/xbla now. since iron galaxy is rolling out all these old games anyway. might as well add alpha games in there too. Id play A2. still a good game.

i so agree with you on that one :slight_smile:

I’d play it, as it has a super legit version of Karin, but generally I hate the system, lol, and the music, eww. Starting with full meter in a game full of 80-90% VCs, what was that about? At least in A2, you have to build it before you bust it.

Liked Alpha 3 when it hit consoles but loved the Anthology version if not for the simple fact Chun-Li tries to gun down Bison! o_O

The only thing I really don’t like about Alpha 3 is the way the AC are performed. I don’t see the ease of execution being that different.

Alpha 2 is better in my opinion due to the music, system direction, Guy’s FF chain combo is still viable, hidden mid boss battles and this is the last alpha game in which M. Bison is the final hurdle for every fighter in the game.

You clearly don’t know A2 at all, and some of the most intelligent, fair-minded guys I’ve ever heard in fighters can play strong defence all night. Who stops rush Chun in A2, apart from Rose, who can still run all over people in this game, especially with the trail super activated? What does Adon do? Ever played the top NYC Giefs when GGPO re-launched this game in 2007?

Again, just through the old eyes of a Chun-Li player, I can tell you this is nonsense. It’s an up close and personal game for sure, which generally encourages more mix-up and less flow chart, but you’d be an idiot to think turtling back isn’t also a legit strategy for some chars with some supers in this game. Most generic Ken clones out there probably all can’t wait to vote Romney and see poor people in the US humiliated further. Literally, taunt the loser, then jump in the sports car with yo Aryan ho.

Go play an Ibuki or Mexican chef… thing

Now this, I would love to see a picture of. Anyone got a shot?

Wait…people said you can’t jump in SF4/AE? What about Ibuki Kunai shenanigans? Or Sakura’s fake crossups? Hell, I’m not a Cammy player, but a lot of what I’ve seen from her even supports having to jump to get in with Dive Kick, which Rufus and Yun also seem to incorporate a lot. Plus hell, doesn’t a bunch of Rey Mys- er, El Feurte’s mixup and gameplay come from him flying all over the place to confuse people? Not to mention Vega (Claw).

Plus, I may not be a 3rd Strike player, and I can’t and won’t pretend to have played it for an extended length, but I always thought Remmy from it was supposed to be like, the quintessential turtle? Not to mention, I was always led to believe that 3rd Strike was a very footsy oriented game where blind rushdowns got punished like mad.

I was wondering is it possible for this thread to be moved to the Street Fighter Alpha Anthology forum. So it will be in its proper place?

most people would agree with you but a3 is a fantastic game, cvs2 has more of a a2 pacing than a3…heaven forbid there is a sf title that doesnt follow the mold of the previous ones. and as much as i respect gunter and his overall knowledge spanning multiple title mechanics no one should be taking anything said by an underdeveloped scene that gave up on the game because it wasnt willing to get used to playing a “broken” game in the USA. at least in japan the title saw a full fleshing out of the tiers and they system.

My boys and I still play A3, but under the ‘A-Ism only’ clause to keep things civil. I just really like the block gauge personally, I wish SF4 had something like that.

As a game by itself I thought A2 was better with its stages, music and overall presentation. I mean c’mon - remixes of classic tunes from SF2 and Final Fight. Each character had their own boss not Bison and having to destroy the Psycho Drive, the anime stage was amazings! But by competitive means I cannot say for sure because I don’t know enough to judge it. I liked A3 as a kid and played it kinda seriously but I have no desire to pick it up back up, even if re-released. Didn’t give a crap about V-ISM, I hated how you had access to certain moves in certain isms. Being a huge Vega fan and not liking V-ISM meant no scarlet terror for me, assholes. And X-ISM, I mean who used that? Was there any character who hugely benefited from it or any player out there who used it? I don’t mean to be an ass j/c.

As i said, play it for fun, but on a competitive level, A3 is just a mess. A big, huge mess.

And the game was extensively played in the states, everyone jumped ship the moment the game got stale thanks to all its shit. CvS2 does what this game tried to do (multiple modes / isms, lots of characters, etc) much, much better… even if the pacing ended up slower (due mainly to RC… before it, the game was more rush oriented than A3 by far).

If you enjoy the game, as any other game… just GO FOR BROKE!

if the game was a mess then the results wouldnt be as consistent as they have been for the last 8 years in japan i agree with everything you are saying aside from the fact that cvs2 does what a3 tried to do, that being relatively subjective and that saying something (back 15 years ago) being played extensively matters if people quit after a game changer occurs. to use cvs2 as an example it would be like if america quit the game when RC was found and made prevalent. I dont think that a3 being very different from the other sf titles is a negative thing, and a lot of things TS said on the first page is spot on is all. very few SF title are casual only broken, a3 is not one of them

I personally thought Alpha 3 was the complete SF package (with the exception of online of course). Team battle, survival, final battle, world tour, were really fun. Yeah, some mechanics were broken but like said before, they could be adjusted in a re-release.

A3 was pretty good, but A2 was a much more solid game imo

A2 was much more solid

Yup, A2 is the better game, no doubt.