Ryu’s V-ISM options are [relatively] limited when he’s midscreen. If you got hit with the infinite, it means you got pushed into the corner and didn’t have/want to spend any super meter- or just got baited into doing something dumb. Jumping Strong infinite doesn’t work for 2P Ryu, he has to do a harder combo, that you will almost never see actually pulled off as an infinite. He’s still very good, but if you’re going to complain about infinites especially, choose a better character to complain about.
To address the OP:
A3 was a very big game in arcades when it came out, and the PSX version sold very well. There is still a pretty decent scene in Japan, and you can find videos from a-cho and the Chiba ranking battles (http://www.youtube.com/user/Alivein85) posted on a monthly basis, if not more. However, outside of Japan, I don’t know that there’s a scene for the game anywhere, other than the smallish one on GGPO.
There were a contingent of players who never took to A3, some of them because it was so big a departure from A2 and most SF games in general; between A2 and A3, every part of the game system has been changed in some major or minor way, except for walking forward and backward. There is a slightly newer group of players who never really played the game, but didn’t like it because they saw some videos of long infinites being done and wrote the game off, without really knowing what they were seeing or what the fuck they were talking about.
It was a cheap and easy thing to do. Even though there is the Neo Geo station. Snkp pushed out the psx versions of kof too. The only fan suggestion was Rival Schools.
That seems odd to me, I’ve never had problems with either of the ports, and I’ve only owned them on PS3. Well, besides the actual systems back in the day of course. They’ve also worked fine on a myriad of Emulators. Again though, that’s just my experience.
On an unrelated note though, everyone should take a look at this old-ass thread I found for the lulz.
I truly believe that A3 is the new SF: EX in that regard. A lot of people never played the EX games, but assumed they were true 3D games…that is until SF4, when people went back and actually played it. I feel it’s the same with A3, a lot of people see things in vids but don’t understand what’s happening or why it happened.
I’d honestly rather have a super port of the Darkstalkers series first than Alpha. DS is heavily neglected by Capcom despite fandom for the characters going strong well after the last game released.
I used to play Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper on the GBA a couple of years ago. That was my gateway to 2D Fighting games
I played mostly Charlie, Guile, Ryu, and Yun.
I liked how they accounted for the limitations of the GBA by adding a simple mode to make supers easier to perform (instead of QCFx2 plus Punch for a Shinku Hadoken it would be just QCF plus Punch and Kick), or changed the commands for them altogether. For example, Shun Goku Satsu became a charge motion (charge back, then forward, back, forward) in simple mode.
Ahh, good times. That game really makes me miss having an SP. I literally used to play it day in and day out. When I wasn’t home I’d bury myself in it and as soon as I got back I’d plop back on my PS1 and play it some more.
I really want Capcom to bring back the next SF with sprites. @2, @3, CVS2, Third Strike…those are all among my favorite fighters of all time. I feel like sprites work better in terms of hit and hurtboxes anyway. If anything, it’d be awesome if they at least brought back CVS2 and Alpha 3 on the network or something.
I loved Alpha 3. I remember thinking Alpha 2 was fun, but Alpha 3 was the first fighter I ever took semi-seriously unless you want to count random hours grinding out combos in KI: Gold. Trying to figure out random Sakura tricks and pokes was always oddly fun to me.
I used to play SFA3 not to long ago on my PSP during my Math classes if I got too bored. For the most part, I found myself playing Karin, Vega, Guy, Akuma, and R.Mika.
I played on Survival mode on many occasions as well.
One of my favorite modes on the console versions was Reverse Dramatic Battle Survival from the Saturn version. I assume it was in all versions, but basically you would fight teams of two in a survival mode. Good stuff. Not sure which other versions of the game had this mode.