Street Fighter Alpha 3...did anyone like it?

If you think they’re going to gain problems using a M68k+Z80 Emulator with some extra scripts or the modified roms used in the Alpha Collection and slap ggpo on it. Will make the game have more problems?

I think an Anthology would be great. They didn’t fuck up SF3, why can’t they do this right?

loved the alpha series even tho I wasn’t really in fighting games I that time (So I didn’t know anything about footsies and such)
Lucky enough a small group of person still play alpha 3 here so it’s refreshing to see this game sometimes lol

oh yeah and Alpha 2 just because Rose is top tier in this :wink:

I loved it any so did many other players worldwide. Europe had a good A3 scene back in the day but as the game evolved it started getting a lot of hate for the crouch cancel stuff. I remember at one point Daigo saying A3 was his favourite game but that changed in later interviews and he admitted as the game evolved he lost interest. Regardless of Alpha 2 being the most balanced in the series I will always like A3.

There is still love for this game overseas so you ain’t alone.

To my knowledge it is the second best port next to the Sega Saturn. SEEEGGAAAAA

Lmfao, dat Ryu infinite.

Yeh V-ism was broken but everything else about the game was brilliant, art direction, audio, endings, WORLD TOUR!! loved it all. After ST this is my favourite SF game

On my list of stuff to buy from PSN. There’s just so many characters… and Karin

Audio? Man I don’t know about that, the music was pretty lame with a few exceptions compared to A2, ST, EX series, 2I, and 3S.

oh man what a great game! sure it’s unbalanced. who cares. It’s fantastic from the music to the stages. It was the first street fighter that I actually went online to find tips for when I was 9 lol… on 56k…great (LOADING) memories…

I play it on my GBA

I LOVE this game

No way, I appreciate it was totally different to what we had come to expect from Capcom buts part of the reason why I like it. There were definitely some memorable ones, not SF2 memorable but great tunes nonetheless, if you were in the arcades the tracks would grab your attention.

LMAO look what I found, good selection of tunes from the game.

I used to be able to play the end theme on piano, such a great tune (fast forward to 1:57)

I thought @3 was the best of the bunch.
@1 was the reason I asked for a playstation for my 10th B-day.
Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


Used to play dramatic battle all the time back on kaillera. Honestly, I had more fun playing that co-op than playing Halo’s co-op lol. Dictator was always a dick building meter quickly then waiting for one of you to jump in after he teleports :rofl:

So did I, with all those ISM Plus. On emu with a 6-button setup using a program to externally map the GBA’s binded attack buttons into one. I have some ridiculous combos. Love this version because the grabbing is back to the old way. Some of the Ism+ combos on GBA and PSP are like deadbody Marvel combos. Also crazy that the GBA version has the Zangief grab Vism glitch. GBA is missing air chains, which PSP has.

On GBA/PSP Ism+ Birdie can do in corner Grab away (K) as falling, c.LP, s.MK, c.HP, BullheadxxHeadbutt super.

Karin and Yun have rediculous sick combos as well. Another thing of note is that Yun on PSP Max cant do all the Combo in Ism+ that are possible on GBA.

Karin corner combo Ism+ (GBA, PSP) c.LK,s.MK,s.HKxh.MujinKick, s.MP,s.HPxGaurenKen(2)xxHouShou

Yun Ism+ (only GBA) corner. c.LK,c.MK,s.HKxf.Tetsuzanku,s.MK,m.Tetsuzanku,l.Zesshou(hit early in fall) l.Zesshou(as flying from first).

There are variations to each of theres, and unfortunately they can be recovered at the pop-up moves, except Birdie.

Lastly Music I uploaded(I upload handheld FG music), just happened to make the actual video, me playing GBA Double Upper, with 6 button controls. nice combo about 55 sec in.

Think I might do a mini combo vid for the ones i wrote out. Just need another controller that works on PC.

I love A3 music



Not to mention the announcer was gold, he makes SF4 more hype than it actually is.

I like the Q1 driver used in a3, but I find most of the music very bland.

Please don’t say that within earshot of some people. I’ll give a quick rundown without the demonstrative adjectives showing their disgust about the port.

SF2 HD Remix

By Backbone had problems. Some persist on Ps3 worse. No more patches. Heard a report Ps3 version(SF2) cannot stay running 3 games before it crashes. :frowning:


by Iron Galaxy has problems. Some will be fixed by them going outside the scope of Capcom’s patch plans for the game, honorable gesture, with Ps3 again having more problems still waiting to be fixed.

We’re talking about a CPS2 game here, the only way a company can fuck it up is to either make a really bad Motorola 68000 emulator or use the wrong version of the game. HDR was huge mess. I’ll just say Capcom just wanted a graphical upgrade to ST, nothing more.


Some people have fond memories of this game, others might not

Wrong version you say…

Who wanted PS1 SFA3 on PSN more,

Or Playstation Network?

Is the very vocal Capcom Unity crowd already okay with just PS1 version there? May have been a part of quick PS1 ports to PSN being their plan, SNK too?

Here’s hoping, recently more Dreamcast games coming to Xbox brings DC version at least. Different versions of Dreamcast details? Some “beta” inbetween kinds maybe? :wink: