Street Fighter according to

Mildly amusing article (not one of Cracked’s best, that’s for sure) on Street Fighter. It pretty much covers the whole range but is more shits-and-giggles than anything else which is why I didn’t post this in FGD.

"Street Fighter IV ends with Seth getting destroyed by someone, S.I.N. headquarters getting destroyed by someone, information on the BLECE project getting destroyed by someone, and a whole lot of people going home empty-handed. This is to be expected, however, because it’s only the first game in the IV series. Speaking of which…

Super Street Fighter IV

Just kidding, we’re done."

is this supposed to be funny

decent read. never knew he story too well so good to get a basic rundown

whoever wrote that is a sure scrub. didnt even get the move commands right. apparently mashing beats everything? yeah ok.

why is that supposed to be funny? it isnt even remotely true. would have at least been halfway clever for a down syndrom kid if instead of mashing he had “SHHHHORRYYUUUUKENN!!1” instead.

lame attempt.


Meh indeed.


it wasn’t that bad but really it was kind of a waste of time, i saw it yesterday already since it was on digg