Finally, a Ryu Power Foil cover!
Price seems a little steep for a double-sized issue, though… It’ll go back down to $2.95 the following month, right?
Finally, a Ryu Power Foil cover!
Price seems a little steep for a double-sized issue, though… It’ll go back down to $2.95 the following month, right?
the last cover as the only good one … second cover was the worst one ive seen so far.
Oh damn damn damn damn damn. Another mega group pic.:eek: And Delta Red Cammy. Double :eek:
Hmm…$4.50 is a bit heavy indeed. Usually 48 pg issues are about $3.50. Yeah, the price will return to normal…
Count your blessings lol, here standard SF covers are 3 approx (Around $5.50) & power foil covers 7 (Around $13), & that’s the normal cover issues.
The power foil cover looks awesome I was wondering when they would do Ryu.
Is #7 coming out straight ater #6 or will there be a longer break than normal?
Its an extra size issue, with 28 pages of main story art, and then the back up story, and also kicking off Rey’s new Cheap Shots serial with a 3 page beginning! So you will get MUCH MORE art for your bucks!
And you’s probably figured it out, the Cover A by Arnold Tsang is not the final one. The BKG characters will all be colored in the final! Gotta say Arn is pretty nuts doing another jam for the new story launch!
So… with #8, the cover price goes back to $2.95 right?
Yes correct!
Will all versions of SF#7 be extra long with the artwork or will just certain editions?
It saves confusion if not, I wanna get the extra long version, I just wanna know for when I place my order on it (when its available to order.)
All of them will be extra long at 48 pages.
Stop being cheap, 4.50 I can scrape that out underneath of my couch. Btw first cover is the one I’m hoping to get. Other 2 are ok.
If you mean me I wasn’t, I was checking in case it was some kind of special edition I had to order as I didn’t want to mix my order up with a standard one, if the 48 pager had been a special edition, I’m not aswell updated as some of you people
Na it wasn’t directed towards anyone. Just stating in general that paying anywhere around 5 a comic is still worth it.
^Depends on the comic really. For this one though, its worth it…
Cover B only further’s my belief that Larocca is a mediocre artist who owes his overhype to Liquid! colorists.
Man I can’t stand cover 2. How did this guy ever get a cover in the first place. Jo chen is getting lazy too. Her covers are getting worse and worse each time. The ken, bison, chun were the best. The guile and now this one has to be the worst.
Man the first cover is looking great. Even if the background is uncolored. As for the second… I’m tired of a choice of group images which the artist has to rely on because his style isn’t catching enough itself. His style is washy, the proportions get to be terrible and it’s only redeemed for the coloring. blah. While I’m complaining I’m not thinking I would make some godly cover, but a decent in composition and drawing. The foil…decent. Chen’s done better.
Nevertheless I’m anticipating this one’s release!
Foil Cover Trade
BTW, Thanks for the images that you posted Spike.
I thought the Guile cover was a pretty good one over all. I have an extra up for trade for another foil or other offer if anyone is interested.
I’m really disappointed at the Larocca cover as well. But i’m actually a fan of his artwork. The work he did for X-Men before he got his own X-series with totally crazy coloring (Xtreme Xmen or something) and that 4-part Heroes Return story was really amazing stuff. I’m just guessing he’s maybe not as familiar with the characters as a gamer like Joe Mad. I’m still hoping that the backup story Larocca does will be good.
It can be really tricky to do a guest cover when you know you’re only going to get one shot. The regular artists know they’ll keep coming back, so they can concentrate on certain characters instead of trying to portray everyone.
But i think the disappointment with Jo Chen is uncalled for. I liked the Guile cover and the Ryu cover is just trying to be different by using a different perspective. Most of the foil covers have been done with the character facing forward. Variety is good right?
I agree that Larocca’s work on XXmen was awesome. It’s too bad the cover isn’t up to that quality, but I still like it.
The Ryu cover by Chen is a bit of a disappointment. It is nice, but it’s really plain.