Street fighter 4 tournament-orange county, ca. 2/21/2009


I am thinking about hosting a Street Fighter Tournament on Xbox 360 during the Madden Tournament. The entry fee for this is $5.00. I will need 8 RSVP to make this happen. The payout for this one would 50/50. The entry is so low because the game is too new to have big tourny. The $5.00 is to help cover the cost of using the facility

For more information and to find out about future events.


sticks / pads?

what is the format?

i need more details.

…might as well since its like 15min away. count me in, i guess.

you chose the wrong day homie. try a weekend different from the biggest street fighter tournament ever.

Fail. No phone number, no responses or anything. Very well organized.