Check it out if you are interested :looney:
let me know if its a good deal
hori buttons? o.0
“no longer made and becoming RARE”
:rolleyes: has them in stock as well as Fry’s Electronics. Well at least Fry’s had them in stock when I was there a week or two ago.
1 MadCatz SE fightstick for $69.99 (Amazon) Free shipping
8 Sanwa OBSF-30 buttons for $2.95 = $23.60 (LizardLick) plus shipping
1 Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT-SK for $24.95 (LizardLick) Plus shipping
The total for the above items comes to $118.54. With shipping for the stick and buttons as well as taxes for all the items, it probably will come out to more than $125. Personally though, I’d rather buy a brand new stick, mod it with the exact parts that I order and do it myself than to buy a used stick.
Dont forget the amount of time it would take to get the items from LL though. >_>;
It was like he bought the Joystick and Buttons from someone with HRAP Soul Caliber III or HRAP Arcana Heart.
Those come with Sanwa Joystick with Blue Balltop, and Blue Hori Buttons.
Thing is, those two HRAP have JLF-TP-8Y-SK-B.
Maybe used stock Mad Catz Mounting Plate?
Maybe actually did buy Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT-SK-B from someone.
Then bought Blue Hori Buttons from someone else?
Well there goes my idea of the JLF coming from HRAP Soul Caliber III or HRAP Arcana Heart.
Maybe he could even had meant that the Sanwa JLF and (Sanwa) Buttons came from Hori.
In that case, it would be the HRAP 2 Special Addition.
HRAP 2 SA comes with Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT-SK-B and OBSF-30-B.
There is a trading post for this kind of thing.
You have to have been here for at least 6 months (and have 50 posts i think?) before you can sell or advertise that you are selling anything.
I think hes buying
yea he is asking for advice to buy.
if so the “Check it out if you’re interested” throws me off.
Even so, I wouldn’t buy from someone who advertises “No long being made and very rare”
rare? yes, VERY rare? no…
Me neither
Maybe that is his craigslist?
His SRK Handle is Tech830.
The e-mail Contact is on craigslist.
Tech830 is June 2009 Member.
Today/tonight is June 1, 2009. :sad:
So joined just today/tonight., got my parts in less than 5 days from the day i placed my order, including restocking of the button color i wanted