Street Fighter 4 PC Mod - Arcade HUD

Was there ever a mod for the HUD to be like the arcade version? Since if you notice even setting the HUD via option menu to “arcade setting” isn’t really faithful (character portraits remain to low, super/ultra bars should be further away from the center of the screen, etc), thanks in advance.

By the way, the mod for arcade blocking / fireball sounds is great.

cant you set it yourself

What do you mean? If I can do the mod by myself? I wish I knew how but I’m afraid messing up the files (I’m not that brilliant in this sort of things) and as for selecting “arcade setting” on the option menu itself please refer to my original post as to why I’m not doing that.

S/He means that there is an option in game to move the bars to positions on screen that you prefer. I gave it a try myself before but I find it sticks out too much, mostly because I’ve played on Default for over a year.

As far as I’m aware the option allows you to align the healthbars (which I assume also moves the character portraits with it) and Super/Ultra bars. Can’t remember the option name but do have a root around the settings - It is most definately there somewhere if you want to alter the general look.

I was wondering about the existence of a mod to make the HUD appear like the arcade version. I do know there is an option in the game to change the HUD setting to “Arcade”, but even doing that is not really faithful to how the real Arcade HUD looks like, (in PC “Arcade” setting character portraits remain to low, super/ultra bars should be further away from the center of the screen, etc). I guess I should just mess around with the data files and see what comes out of it.

Nah, can’t really do it.

That feature’s in SSF4 though…

But the more I play, the more I’m leaving it in default so the corner of my eye can see the super meters & ultra meters blink closer and easier.