I’d be interested to know why Alex is down on your list. He’s basically the same as he is in third strike except no DDT and an easy way to combo into boomerang raid (which has a very small meter).
IMO next gen and 2nd Impact plays like a true sf game more than 3S. I would say 2nd impact is the ST of the sf3 series. Everyone is good in 2nd impact IMO.
If you’re talking about frames 3S parry window is 10 frames. Slightly less if you dont return the stick to neutral immediately after hitting forward/down.
That list isn’t mine. I can’t remember who originally posted it. I wanted to know why he’s bottom as well. I also wanted to know where Ryu is at in 2I. I remember hearing he was high tier, right behind Sean. Thought someone on here might know for sure.
Yeah I remember hearing Ryu was pretty high up there in 2I as well. One of the reasons being the 2-stock Denjin. But what else did he have that made him so great?
What’s funny is how Hugo is worse than he is in third strike, even though in this game he has a brain-dead infinite and incredibly easy combos like LPx5, SA3.
Good target combo, allows linkage to Mantis and EX Mantis slashes. First two super arts allow abuse of the EX Mantis slashes. Super Art I does INSANE amounts of damage, plus Yang has a good amount of EX Slashes to use.
Mad time on Seiei Enbu, the bar is way longer than it is in 3s. In 3s it is the same size as Genei Jin. Genei Jin is about shippu size, Seiei is about shinsho size in 2I. Not to mention he has those bad ass Tenshin Senkyutai set ups. Sending people to the other side of the screen then chasing them with a Tenshin n shit.
Say, Spinning Beat, since you’re on a roll, how about a NG tier list? And maybe some Ryu strats for 2I? Really appreciate what you’ve got for us so far!
Can someone give me a list of all the infinites in New Gen (and 2i, if there are any)?
So far I’ve seen Ryu’s j.HPx5, Shinshoryuken
Hugos palms
Necros c.lkxmpxtornado hooks (not sure thats actually infinite, but it looks like it could be)
Alexs MP flash chopsxxstun gun on elena