Stop the Rolling

Is there any way to stop someone one that use this my buddy does it all the time just to do grabs and stuff and its hard to tell if he is going to go past me or not

GRAB HIM FIRST! You can grab him out of his rolls.

Learn the ranges of the rolls, and learn the speed/timing so you can hit them after the roll.

pick EO zangief

just let him roll and knock you down, then on ur wakeup do lvl 3 super and see how he likes it.

Here’s the secret, play Dan, and roll too, use the command roll taunt though, it works better.

As they said just grab him during the roll…or stick out a meaty attack. Preferablly a Sagat c.HP xx super…he will never roll again xD;

well its kind of hard when i play my firends becasue im usally better then them and when i get ahead by like 5 its like everything i do is illegal so il try that grab them out of the roll is there timing involved or is it just like a normal thing ?

Then stop playing them and play good people.

best strategy ever!!!

Its kind of hard to find anyone to play with in a town with only 2000 people that are even into fighting games most people out here are playing WOW or some FSP
my buddys and some people at school are the only people that are really into it

Pretty much…its anything goes as long as it doesnt break the game…it shouldnt be illegal, do what you can, then help them out if they want some…otherwise i say just find better competition elsewhere…as hard as it is…

You are in NorCal…if you live near SF area it might not be that hard to take a short drive around and play others.

As for rolling and throwing…just press throw while they are already in the roll animation…its nothing special…walk up…throw…or stick out a meaty attack. Nothing special. Try going to training mode and making the dummy roll and then throw it if you need actually see it happening.

Another thing to do is try to incorporte throws in your offense…like sometimes instead of continuing a combo of some sort…just walk up and throw them when they are pressured…if they really like to roll that much…they are likely to do so to get out of your pressure and right into your throw.

If they roll too much you can simply throw them while they’re rolling.

Depending on which character you’re using you can also mash low jab/short and that will likely beat whatever attack they stick out at the end of the roll (eg: shotos - c.LK(2x) xx super). That’s character specific, though. Against characters with really good rolls (eg: Iori) that might not work very well.

If all your opponent does is roll & throw you can try jumping during their roll. If you time it right their throw whiffs and you get a free combo. That’s kind of a risky option IMO but if you know they’re going for a throw after the roll I think it’s definitely worth going for it.

LoL why does everyone think SF is norcal i live so up north im only 30 min away from the boarder thats the real Norcal lol

SF is norcal, you live in the boonies =[

Fuck em. Just learn to Roll Cancel and see their heads roll.