Stick build - 2nd attempt

I completed a build a while back using a cheap wooden box and an ancient Saitek PC game pad, this time i’ve decided to go the xbox 360 controller route and do it right. Last time i found out that woodwork wasn’t my strong point so I managed to pick up a couple of chrome plated Hori cases on the cheap off ebay,

(Pics of original build here)


JLF-TP-8Y stick
Sanwa concave buttons
Sanwa 24mm buttons for start and select
Xbox 360 controller (wired)
Chrome plated Hori cases
A whole heap of wire
Heat shrink
hot glue gun

So far i’ve got the buttons and stick in place and got though a majority of the soldering sorted last night, next step is to mount the PCB in the case, wire up the buttons & stick and get some more pics taken!

Pics here (sorry for low quality images, damn iPhone camera)

Things i’ve learnt so far:

DO YOUR RESEARCH - dont dive in and buy any old parts, make sure its going to fit your case and suit your needs. I’ve quickly learnt that the people here at Shoryuken are very helpful folks

Read forums, check youtube vids and take it slowly - rushing is just going to get you tied up and frustrated

Get a decent soldering iron and a clamp for the board - can’t stress this one enough, after wrestling for about 30 minutes with one wire using my ancient cheapo soldering iron I ran down to my local electronic store, grabbed a new iron and a clamp and sailed though the rest of the connections

Use heat shrink - keeps things neat and tidy, my last build was a mess of wires and this time round the heat shrink is keeping things manageable

TEST TEST TEST - if you are going to hot glue any connections in place make sure you’ve tested it, once you’ve made sure it works re-check your soldering and make sure everything is solid, only glue when you are 100%

I’m off on holiday tomorrow for a week but when i get back and have some more of the build finished up i’ll get some more pics taken (with a decent camera this time) and a video when its finished
I’ll also post up a list of all the links that helped me research and build this stick

Hi I’m just curious, can you show me a picture of the Sanwa buttons? I’ve never seen concave before. Also, good luck on your custom! Making my own was a lot of fun.

Those are Happ buttons, American made parts in 29mm. Sanwa concave is non-existent.

Yup, my bad. Buttons are made by IL

nice write up and lessons learned. I will say, I ran into to the same problems at times and for me its best to learn that way. Its how you remember, through exp. Good stuff and GL on future builds

I’m going to start on a mod for a Madcatz SE stick next week and this info really helps, thanks for the heads-up! I’m thinking about doing a Ken Masters/ USA theme. Anyways, good luck on your build!