So I tested this several times at Capcom Cup.
El Fuerte suddenly can not corpse hop (f+mk) over ANYONE in that build of Ultra.
This is actually a pretty severe nerf vs. any characters with charge reversals (Balrog, Bison, Honda) and just generally takes away one of his best confusion tactics…
The weird thing is that this is not listed at all in the “official” change list. I’m not sure what the deal is…
Seems like a pretty unnecessary Nerf- It was not that abuse-able or even good of a tactic- I dont understand.
In a game with delayed wake up and corpse hop taken away, i dont see his mild buffs making him a competitive enough characters… He didnt even get to keep any of his guacamole leg throw buffs in the Capcom Cup build…
It was mentioned by the Capcom Rep to me and I posted it when I came back. He said he thinks it was unintentional and will be reverted. You probably should haev posted this where all of the other rebalance discussion is taking place:
Elf is a champ, and I admire people who stick with him because no one works physically or mentally harder than an Elf player to achieve reasonable success. The most common complaints against Elf come from people who simply suck at the game.
Not trying to start any wars, just sticking up for a character who is misunderstood.